ASF: Apache Software Foundation¶
Airflow supports various software created by Apache Software Foundation.
These integrations allow you to perform various operations within software developed by Apache Software Foundation.
Apache Beam¶
- Operators:
- Hooks:
- Guides:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
Apache Cassandra¶
- Hooks:
- Sensors:
.- Guides:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
Apache Drill¶
- Hooks:
- Guides:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
Apache Druid¶
- Operators:
- Hooks:
- Guides:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
Apache Flink¶
- Operators:
- Sensors:
- Guides:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
Apache Hive¶
- Operators:
.- Hooks:
- Sensors:
.- Guides:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
Apache Impala¶
- Hooks:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
Apache Kafka¶
- Operators:
.- Hooks:
.- Sensors:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
Apache Kylin¶
- Operators:
- Hooks:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
Apache Livy¶
- Operators:
- Hooks:
- Sensors:
- Guides:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
Apache Pig¶
- Operators:
- Hooks:
- Guides:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
Apache Pinot¶
- Hooks:
- Guides:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
Apache Spark¶
- Operators:
.- Hooks:
.- Guides:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
- Operators:
.- Hooks:
.- Sensors:
.- Guides:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
- Hooks:
- Sensors:
- Guides:
- Provider:
- Product documentation:
These integrations allow you to copy data from/to software developed by Apache Software Foundation.
Apache Hive to Amazon DynamoDB¶
- Source product documentation:
- Target product documentation:
- Operator guide:
- Python API:
- Provider:
Apache Hive to Apache Druid¶
- Source product documentation:
- Target product documentation:
- Python API:
- Provider:
Vertica to Apache Hive¶
- Source product documentation:
- Target product documentation:
- Python API:
- Provider:
Apache Hive to MySQL¶
- Source product documentation:
- Target product documentation:
- Python API:
- Provider:
Apache Hive to Samba¶
- Source product documentation:
- Target product documentation:
- Python API:
- Provider:
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) to Apache Hive¶
- Source product documentation:
- Target product documentation:
- Python API:
- Provider:
MySQL to Apache Hive¶
- Source product documentation:
- Target product documentation:
- Python API:
- Provider:
Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) to Apache Hive¶
- Source product documentation:
- Target product documentation:
- Python API:
- Provider:
Apache Cassandra to Google Cloud Storage (GCS)¶
- Source product documentation:
- Target product documentation:
- Python API:
- Provider: