Source code for airflow.providers.celery.executors.celery_executor

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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.. seealso::
    For more information on how the CeleryExecutor works, take a look at the guide:

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import math
import operator
import time
from collections import Counter
from import Sequence
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from deprecated import deprecated

from airflow.cli.cli_config import (
from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning, AirflowTaskTimeout
from airflow.executors.base_executor import BaseExecutor
from airflow.providers.celery.version_compat import AIRFLOW_V_3_0_PLUS
from airflow.stats import Stats
from airflow.utils.state import TaskInstanceState
from celery import states as celery_states

[docs] log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] CELERY_SEND_ERR_MSG_HEADER = "Error sending Celery task"
if TYPE_CHECKING: import argparse from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from airflow.executors import workloads from airflow.executors.base_executor import TaskTuple from airflow.models.taskinstance import TaskInstance from airflow.models.taskinstancekey import TaskInstanceKey from airflow.providers.celery.executors.celery_executor_utils import TaskInstanceInCelery # PEP562
[docs] def __getattr__(name): # This allows us to make the Celery app accessible through the # celery_executor module without the time cost of its import and # construction if name == "app": from airflow.providers.celery.executors.celery_executor_utils import app return app raise AttributeError(f"module '{__name__}' has no attribute '{name}'")
""" To start the celery worker, run the command: airflow celery worker """ # flower cli args
[docs] ARG_BROKER_API = Arg(("-a", "--broker-api"), help="Broker API")
[docs] ARG_FLOWER_HOSTNAME = Arg( ("-H", "--hostname"), default=conf.get("celery", "FLOWER_HOST"), help="Set the hostname on which to run the server", )
[docs] ARG_FLOWER_PORT = Arg( ("-p", "--port"), default=conf.getint("celery", "FLOWER_PORT"), type=int, help="The port on which to run the server", )
[docs] ARG_FLOWER_CONF = Arg(("-c", "--flower-conf"), help="Configuration file for flower")
[docs] ARG_FLOWER_URL_PREFIX = Arg( ("-u", "--url-prefix"), default=conf.get("celery", "FLOWER_URL_PREFIX"), help="URL prefix for Flower", )
[docs] ARG_FLOWER_BASIC_AUTH = Arg( ("-A", "--basic-auth"), default=conf.get("celery", "FLOWER_BASIC_AUTH"), help=( "Securing Flower with Basic Authentication. " "Accepts user:password pairs separated by a comma. " "Example: flower_basic_auth = user1:password1,user2:password2" ), )
# worker cli args
[docs] ARG_AUTOSCALE = Arg(("-a", "--autoscale"), help="Minimum and Maximum number of worker to autoscale")
[docs] ARG_QUEUES = Arg( ("-q", "--queues"), help="Comma delimited list of queues to serve", default=conf.get("operators", "DEFAULT_QUEUE"), )
[docs] ARG_CONCURRENCY = Arg( ("-c", "--concurrency"), type=int, help="The number of worker processes", default=conf.getint("celery", "worker_concurrency"), )
[docs] ARG_CELERY_HOSTNAME = Arg( ("-H", "--celery-hostname"), help="Set the hostname of celery worker if you have multiple workers on a single machine", )
[docs] ARG_UMASK = Arg( ("-u", "--umask"), help="Set the umask of celery worker in daemon mode", )
[docs] ARG_WITHOUT_MINGLE = Arg( ("--without-mingle",), default=False, help="Don't synchronize with other workers at start-up", action="store_true", )
[docs] ARG_WITHOUT_GOSSIP = Arg( ("--without-gossip",), default=False, help="Don't subscribe to other workers events", action="store_true", )
[docs] CELERY_CLI_COMMAND_PATH = "airflow.providers.celery.cli.celery_command"
[docs] CELERY_COMMANDS = ( ActionCommand( name="worker", help="Start a Celery worker node", func=lazy_load_command(f"{CELERY_CLI_COMMAND_PATH}.worker"), args=( ARG_QUEUES, ARG_CONCURRENCY, ARG_CELERY_HOSTNAME, ARG_PID, ARG_DAEMON, ARG_UMASK, ARG_STDOUT, ARG_STDERR, ARG_LOG_FILE, ARG_AUTOSCALE, ARG_SKIP_SERVE_LOGS, ARG_WITHOUT_MINGLE, ARG_WITHOUT_GOSSIP, ARG_VERBOSE, ), ), ActionCommand( name="flower", help="Start a Celery Flower", func=lazy_load_command(f"{CELERY_CLI_COMMAND_PATH}.flower"), args=( ARG_FLOWER_HOSTNAME, ARG_FLOWER_PORT, ARG_FLOWER_CONF, ARG_FLOWER_URL_PREFIX, ARG_FLOWER_BASIC_AUTH, ARG_BROKER_API, ARG_PID, ARG_DAEMON, ARG_STDOUT, ARG_STDERR, ARG_LOG_FILE, ARG_VERBOSE, ), ), ActionCommand( name="stop", help="Stop the Celery worker gracefully", func=lazy_load_command(f"{CELERY_CLI_COMMAND_PATH}.stop_worker"), args=(ARG_PID, ARG_VERBOSE), ), )
[docs] class CeleryExecutor(BaseExecutor): """ CeleryExecutor is recommended for production use of Airflow. It allows distributing the execution of task instances to multiple worker nodes. Celery is a simple, flexible and reliable distributed system to process vast amounts of messages, while providing operations with the tools required to maintain such a system. """
[docs] supports_ad_hoc_ti_run: bool = True
[docs] supports_sentry: bool = True
if TYPE_CHECKING and AIRFLOW_V_3_0_PLUS: # In the v3 path, we store workloads, not commands as strings. # TODO: TaskSDK: move this type change into BaseExecutor
[docs] queued_tasks: dict[TaskInstanceKey, workloads.All] # type: ignore[assignment]
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Celery doesn't support bulk sending the tasks (which can become a bottleneck on bigger clusters) # so we use a multiprocessing pool to speed this up. # How many worker processes are created for checking celery task state. self._sync_parallelism = conf.getint("celery", "SYNC_PARALLELISM") if self._sync_parallelism == 0: self._sync_parallelism = max(1, cpu_count() - 1) from airflow.providers.celery.executors.celery_executor_utils import BulkStateFetcher
[docs] self.bulk_state_fetcher = BulkStateFetcher(self._sync_parallelism)
[docs] self.tasks = {}
[docs] self.task_publish_retries: Counter[TaskInstanceKey] = Counter()
[docs] self.task_publish_max_retries = conf.getint("celery", "task_publish_max_retries")
[docs] def start(self) -> None: self.log.debug("Starting Celery Executor using %s processes for syncing", self._sync_parallelism)
def _num_tasks_per_send_process(self, to_send_count: int) -> int: """ How many Celery tasks should each worker process send. :return: Number of tasks that should be sent per process """ return max(1, math.ceil(to_send_count / self._sync_parallelism)) def _process_tasks(self, task_tuples: list[TaskTuple]) -> None: # Airflow V2 version from airflow.providers.celery.executors.celery_executor_utils import execute_command task_tuples_to_send = [task_tuple[:3] + (execute_command,) for task_tuple in task_tuples] self._send_tasks(task_tuples_to_send) def _process_workloads(self, input: list[workloads.All]) -> None: # Airflow V3 version -- have to delay imports until we know we are on v3 from airflow.executors import workloads from airflow.providers.celery.executors.celery_executor_utils import execute_workload tasks = [ (workload.ti.key, workload, workload.ti.queue, execute_workload) for workload in input if isinstance(workload, workloads.ExecuteTask) ] if len(tasks) != len(input): invalid = list(workload for workload in input if not isinstance(workload, workloads.ExecuteTask)) raise ValueError(f"{type(self)}._process_workloads cannot handle {invalid}") self._send_tasks(tasks) def _send_tasks(self, task_tuples_to_send: Sequence[TaskInstanceInCelery]): first_task = next(t[-1] for t in task_tuples_to_send) # Celery state queries will stuck if we do not use one same backend # for all tasks. cached_celery_backend = first_task.backend key_and_async_results = self._send_tasks_to_celery(task_tuples_to_send) self.log.debug("Sent all tasks.") from airflow.providers.celery.executors.celery_executor_utils import ExceptionWithTraceback for key, _, result in key_and_async_results: if isinstance(result, ExceptionWithTraceback) and isinstance( result.exception, AirflowTaskTimeout ): retries = self.task_publish_retries[key] if retries < self.task_publish_max_retries: Stats.incr("celery.task_timeout_error") "[Try %s of %s] Task Timeout Error for Task: (%s).", self.task_publish_retries[key] + 1, self.task_publish_max_retries, tuple(key), ) self.task_publish_retries[key] = retries + 1 continue self.queued_tasks.pop(key) self.task_publish_retries.pop(key, None) if isinstance(result, ExceptionWithTraceback): self.log.error("%s: %s\n%s\n", CELERY_SEND_ERR_MSG_HEADER, result.exception, result.traceback) self.event_buffer[key] = (TaskInstanceState.FAILED, None) elif result is not None: result.backend = cached_celery_backend self.running.add(key) self.tasks[key] = result # Store the Celery task_id in the event buffer. This will get "overwritten" if the task # has another event, but that is fine, because the only other events are success/failed at # which point we don't need the ID anymore anyway self.event_buffer[key] = (TaskInstanceState.QUEUED, result.task_id) def _send_tasks_to_celery(self, task_tuples_to_send: Sequence[TaskInstanceInCelery]): from airflow.providers.celery.executors.celery_executor_utils import send_task_to_executor if len(task_tuples_to_send) == 1 or self._sync_parallelism == 1: # One tuple, or max one process -> send it in the main thread. return list(map(send_task_to_executor, task_tuples_to_send)) # Use chunks instead of a work queue to reduce context switching # since tasks are roughly uniform in size chunksize = self._num_tasks_per_send_process(len(task_tuples_to_send)) num_processes = min(len(task_tuples_to_send), self._sync_parallelism) with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_processes) as send_pool: key_and_async_results = list(, task_tuples_to_send, chunksize=chunksize) ) return key_and_async_results
[docs] def sync(self) -> None: if not self.tasks: self.log.debug("No task to query celery, skipping sync") return self.update_all_task_states()
[docs] def debug_dump(self) -> None: """Debug dump; called in response to SIGUSR2 by the scheduler.""" super().debug_dump() "executor.tasks (%d)\n\t%s", len(self.tasks), "\n\t".join(map(repr, self.tasks.items())) )
[docs] def update_all_task_states(self) -> None: """Update states of the tasks.""" self.log.debug("Inquiring about %s celery task(s)", len(self.tasks)) state_and_info_by_celery_task_id = self.bulk_state_fetcher.get_many(self.tasks.values()) self.log.debug("Inquiries completed.") for key, async_result in list(self.tasks.items()): state, info = state_and_info_by_celery_task_id.get(async_result.task_id) if state: self.update_task_state(key, state, info)
[docs] def change_state( self, key: TaskInstanceKey, state: TaskInstanceState, info=None, remove_running=True ) -> None: try: super().change_state(key, state, info, remove_running=remove_running) except (AttributeError, TypeError): # Earlier versions of the BaseExecutor don't accept the remove_running parameter for this method # TODO: Remove when min airflow version >= 2.9.2 super().change_state(key, state, info) self.tasks.pop(key, None)
[docs] def update_task_state(self, key: TaskInstanceKey, state: str, info: Any) -> None: """Update state of a single task.""" try: if state == celery_states.SUCCESS: self.success(key, info) elif state in (celery_states.FAILURE, celery_states.REVOKED):, info) elif state in (celery_states.STARTED, celery_states.PENDING, celery_states.RETRY): pass else:"Unexpected state for %s: %s", key, state) except Exception: self.log.exception("Error syncing the Celery executor, ignoring it.")
[docs] def end(self, synchronous: bool = False) -> None: if synchronous: while any(task.state not in celery_states.READY_STATES for task in self.tasks.values()): time.sleep(5) self.sync()
[docs] def terminate(self): pass
[docs] def try_adopt_task_instances(self, tis: Sequence[TaskInstance]) -> Sequence[TaskInstance]: # See which of the TIs are still alive (or have finished even!) # # Since Celery doesn't store "SENT" state for queued commands (if we create an AsyncResult with a made # up id it just returns PENDING state for it), we have to store Celery's task_id against the TI row to # look at in future. # # This process is not perfect -- we could have sent the task to celery, and crashed before we were # able to record the AsyncResult.task_id in the TaskInstance table, in which case we won't adopt the # task (it'll either run and update the TI state, or the scheduler will clear and re-queue it. Either # way it won't get executed more than once) # # (If we swapped it around, and generated a task_id for Celery, stored that in TI and enqueued that # there is also still a race condition where we could generate and store the task_id, but die before # we managed to enqueue the command. Since neither way is perfect we always have to deal with this # process not being perfect.) from celery.result import AsyncResult celery_tasks = {} not_adopted_tis = [] for ti in tis: if ti.external_executor_id is not None: celery_tasks[ti.external_executor_id] = (AsyncResult(ti.external_executor_id), ti) else: not_adopted_tis.append(ti) if not celery_tasks: # Nothing to adopt return tis states_by_celery_task_id = self.bulk_state_fetcher.get_many( list(map(operator.itemgetter(0), celery_tasks.values())) ) adopted = [] cached_celery_backend = next(iter(celery_tasks.values()))[0].backend for celery_task_id, (state, info) in states_by_celery_task_id.items(): result, ti = celery_tasks[celery_task_id] result.backend = cached_celery_backend if isinstance(result.result, BaseException): e = result.result # Log the exception we got from the remote end self.log.warning("Task %s failed with error", ti.key, exc_info=e) # Set the correct elements of the state dicts, then update this # like we just queried it. self.tasks[ti.key] = result self.running.add(ti.key) self.update_task_state(ti.key, state, info) adopted.append(f"{ti} in state {state}") if adopted: task_instance_str = "\n\t".join(adopted) "Adopted the following %d tasks from a dead executor\n\t%s", len(adopted), task_instance_str ) return not_adopted_tis
@deprecated( reason="Replaced by function `revoke_task`. Upgrade airflow core to make this go away.", category=AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning, )
[docs] def cleanup_stuck_queued_tasks(self, tis: list[TaskInstance]) -> list[str]: """ Remove tasks stuck in queued from executor and fail them. This method is deprecated. Use `cleanup_tasks_stuck_in_queued` instead. """ reprs = [] for ti in tis: reprs.append(repr(ti)) self.revoke_task(ti=ti) return reprs
[docs] def revoke_task(self, *, ti: TaskInstance): from airflow.providers.celery.executors.celery_executor_utils import app celery_async_result = self.tasks.pop(ti.key, None) if celery_async_result: try: app.control.revoke(celery_async_result.task_id) except Exception: self.log.exception("Error revoking task instance %s from celery", ti.key) self.running.discard(ti.key) self.queued_tasks.pop(ti.key, None)
[docs] def get_cli_commands() -> list[GroupCommand]: return [ GroupCommand( name="celery", help="Celery components", description=( "Start celery components. Works only when using CeleryExecutor. For more information, " "see" ), subcommands=CELERY_COMMANDS, ), ]
[docs] def queue_workload(self, workload: workloads.All, session: Session | None) -> None: from airflow.executors import workloads if not isinstance(workload, workloads.ExecuteTask): raise RuntimeError(f"{type(self)} cannot handle workloads of type {type(workload)}") ti = workload.ti self.queued_tasks[ti.key] = workload
def _get_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """ Generate documentation; used by Sphinx. :meta private: """ return CeleryExecutor._get_parser()

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