Apache Livy Connection

The Apache Livy connection type enables connection to Apache Livy. The Apache Livy connection uses the Http connection under the hood.

Default Connection IDs

Livy Hook uses parameter livy_conn_id for Connection IDs and the value of the parameter as livy_default by default.

Configuring the Connection


The http host of the Livy server. You may add the scheme in the Host field or give it in the Schema field.


Specify the port in case of host be an URL of the Apache Livy server.

Schema (optional)

Specify the service type etc: http/https.

Login (optional)

Specify the login for the Apache Livy server you would like to connect too.

Password (optional)

Specify the password for the Apache Livy server you would like to connect too.

Extras (optional)

Specify headers in json format.

When specifying the connection in environment variable you should specify it using URI syntax.

Note that all components of the URI should be URL-encoded.

For example:

export AIRFLOW_CONN_LIVY_DEFAULT='http://username:password@livy-server.com:80?headers=header'

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