Abstract base class that defines how we get an operator link. |
Module Contents¶
- class airflow.models.baseoperatorlink.BaseOperatorLink[source]¶
Abstract base class that defines how we get an operator link.
- operators: ClassVar[list[type[airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperator]]] = [][source]¶
This property will be used by Airflow Plugins to find the Operators to which you want to assign this Operator Link
- Returns:
List of Operator classes used by task for which you want to create extra link
- property name: str[source]¶
- Abstractmethod:
Name of the link. This will be the button name on the task UI.
- abstract get_link(operator, *, ti_key)[source]¶
Link to external system.
Note: The old signature of this function was
(self, operator, dttm: datetime)
. That is still supported at runtime but is deprecated.- Parameters:
operator (airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperator) – The Airflow operator object this link is associated to.
ti_key (airflow.models.taskinstancekey.TaskInstanceKey) – TaskInstance ID to return link for.
- Returns:
link to external system
- Return type: