YDB Connection

The YDB connection type provides connection to a YDB database.

Configuring the Connection

Host (required)

The host without port to connect to. Acceptable schemes: grpc/grpcs, e.g. grpc://my_host, ydb.serverless.yandexcloud.net or lb.etn9txxxx.ydb.mdb.yandexcloud.net.

Database (required)

Specify the database to connect to, e.g. /local or /ru-central1/b1gtl2kg13him37quoo6/etndqstq7ne4v68n6c9b.

Port (optional)

The port or the YDB cluster to connect to. Default is 2135.

Login (optional)

Specify the user name to connect.

Password (optional)

Specify the password to connect.

Service account auth JSON (optional)

Service account auth JSON, e.g. {“id”: “…”, “service_account_id”: “…”, “private_key”: “…”}.

Service account auth JSON file path (optional)

Service account auth JSON file path. File content looks like: {“id”: “…”, “service_account_id”: “…”, “private_key”: “…”}.

Access Token (optional)

User account IAM token.

Use VM metadata (optional)

Whether to use VM metadata to retrieve access token

When specifying the connection as URI (in AIRFLOW_CONN_{CONN_ID} variable) you should specify it following the standard syntax of DB connections, where extras are passed as parameters of the URI (note that all components of the URI should be URL-encoded). The connection could be specified as JSON string as well.

For example:

AIRFLOW_CONN_YDB_DEFAULT2='{"conn_type": "ydb", "host": "grpcs://example.com", "login": "my_name", "password": "my_password", "port": 2135, "extra": {"database": "/local"}}'

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