Vertica Connection

The Vertica connection type provides connection to a Vertica database.

Configuring the Connection

Host (required)

The host to connect to.

Schema (optional)

Specify the schema name to be used in the database.

Login (required)

Specify the user name to connect.

Password (required)

Specify the password to connect.

Extra (optional)

Specify the extra parameters (as json dictionary) that can be used in Vertica connection.

The following extras are supported:

See vertica-python docs for details.

Example “extras” field:

   "connection_load_balance": true,
   "log_level": "error",
   "ssl": true


   "session_label": "airflow-session",
   "connection_timeout": 30,
   "backup_server_node": ["bck_server_1", "bck_server_2"]

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