Source code for airflow.providers.snowflake.transfers.copy_into_snowflake

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"""Abstract operator that child classes implement ``COPY INTO <TABLE> SQL in Snowflake``."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Sequence

from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.providers.snowflake.hooks.snowflake import SnowflakeHook
from airflow.providers.snowflake.utils.common import enclose_param

[docs]class CopyFromExternalStageToSnowflakeOperator(BaseOperator): """ Executes a COPY INTO command to load files from an external stage from clouds to Snowflake. This operator requires the snowflake_conn_id connection. The snowflake host, login, and, password field must be setup in the connection. Other inputs can be defined in the connection or hook instantiation. :param namespace: snowflake namespace :param table: snowflake table :param file_format: file format name i.e. CSV, AVRO, etc :param stage: reference to a specific snowflake stage. If the stage's schema is not the same as the table one, it must be specified :param prefix: cloud storage location specified to limit the set of files to load :param files: files to load into table :param pattern: pattern to load files from external location to table :param snowflake_conn_id: Reference to :ref:`Snowflake connection id<howto/connection:snowflake>` :param account: snowflake account name :param warehouse: name of snowflake warehouse :param database: name of snowflake database :param region: name of snowflake region :param role: name of snowflake role :param schema: name of snowflake schema :param authenticator: authenticator for Snowflake. 'snowflake' (default) to use the internal Snowflake authenticator 'externalbrowser' to authenticate using your web browser and Okta, ADFS or any other SAML 2.0-compliant identify provider (IdP) that has been defined for your account ``https://<your_okta_account_name>`` to authenticate through native Okta. :param session_parameters: You can set session-level parameters at the time you connect to Snowflake :param copy_options: snowflake COPY INTO syntax copy options :param validation_mode: snowflake COPY INTO syntax validation mode """
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = ("files",)
[docs] template_fields_renderers = {"files": "json"}
def __init__( self, *, files: list | None = None, table: str, stage: str, prefix: str | None = None, file_format: str, schema: str | None = None, columns_array: list | None = None, pattern: str | None = None, warehouse: str | None = None, database: str | None = None, autocommit: bool = True, snowflake_conn_id: str = "snowflake_default", role: str | None = None, authenticator: str | None = None, session_parameters: dict | None = None, copy_options: str | None = None, validation_mode: str | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.files = files self.table = table self.stage = stage self.prefix = prefix self.file_format = file_format self.schema = schema self.columns_array = columns_array self.pattern = pattern self.warehouse = warehouse self.database = database self.autocommit = autocommit self.snowflake_conn_id = snowflake_conn_id self.role = role self.authenticator = authenticator self.session_parameters = session_parameters self.copy_options = copy_options self.validation_mode = validation_mode self.hook: SnowflakeHook | None = None self._sql: str | None = None self._result: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
[docs] def execute(self, context: Any) -> None: self.hook = SnowflakeHook( snowflake_conn_id=self.snowflake_conn_id, warehouse=self.warehouse, database=self.database, role=self.role, schema=self.schema, authenticator=self.authenticator, session_parameters=self.session_parameters, ) if self.schema: into = f"{self.schema}.{self.table}" else: into = self.table if self.columns_array: into = f"{into}({', '.join(self.columns_array)})" self._sql = f""" COPY INTO {into} FROM @{self.stage}/{self.prefix or ""} {"FILES=(" + ",".join(map(enclose_param, self.files)) + ")" if self.files else ""} {"PATTERN=" + enclose_param(self.pattern) if self.pattern else ""} FILE_FORMAT={self.file_format} {self.copy_options or ""} {self.validation_mode or ""} """"Executing COPY command...") self._result = # type: ignore # mypy does not work well with return_dictionaries=True sql=self._sql, autocommit=self.autocommit, handler=lambda x: x.fetchall(), return_dictionaries=True, )"COPY command completed")
@staticmethod def _extract_openlineage_unique_dataset_paths( query_result: list[dict[str, Any]], ) -> tuple[list[tuple[str, str]], list[str]]: """ Extract and return unique OpenLineage dataset paths and file paths that failed to be parsed. Each row in the results is expected to have a 'file' field, which is a URI. The function parses these URIs and constructs a set of unique OpenLineage (namespace, name) tuples. Additionally, it captures any URIs that cannot be parsed or processed and returns them in a separate error list. For Azure, Snowflake has a unique way of representing URI: azure://<account_name><container_name>/path/to/file.csv that is transformed by this function to a Dataset with more universal naming convention: Dataset(namespace="wasbs://container_name@account_name", name="path/to"), as described at :param query_result: A list of dictionaries, each containing a 'file' key with a URI value. :return: Two lists - the first is a sorted list of tuples, each representing a unique dataset path, and the second contains any URIs that cannot be parsed or processed correctly. >>> method = CopyFromExternalStageToSnowflakeOperator._extract_openlineage_unique_dataset_paths >>> results = [{"file": "azure://"}] >>> method(results) ([('wasbs://azure_container@my_account', 'dir3')], []) >>> results = [{"file": "azure://"}] >>> method(results) ([('wasbs://azure_container@my_account', '/')], []) >>> results = [{"file": "s3://bucket"}, {"file": "gcs://bucket/"}, {"file": "s3://bucket/a.csv"}] >>> method(results) ([('gcs://bucket', '/'), ('s3://bucket', '/')], []) >>> results = [{"file": "s3://bucket/dir/file.csv"}, {"file": "gcs://bucket/dir/dir2/a.txt"}] >>> method(results) ([('gcs://bucket', 'dir/dir2'), ('s3://bucket', 'dir')], []) >>> results = [ ... {"file": "s3://bucket/dir/file.csv"}, ... {"file": "azure://"}, ... ] >>> method(results) ([('s3://bucket', 'dir')], ['azure://']) """ import re from pathlib import Path from urllib.parse import urlparse azure_regex = r"azure:\/\/(\w+)?\\/(\w+)\/?(.*)?" extraction_error_files = [] unique_dataset_paths = set() for row in query_result: uri = urlparse(row["file"]) if uri.scheme == "azure": match = re.fullmatch(azure_regex, row["file"]) if not match: extraction_error_files.append(row["file"]) continue account_name, container_name, name = match.groups() namespace = f"wasbs://{container_name}@{account_name}" else: namespace = f"{uri.scheme}://{uri.netloc}" name = uri.path.lstrip("/") name = Path(name).parent.as_posix() if name in ("", "."): name = "/" unique_dataset_paths.add((namespace, name)) return sorted(unique_dataset_paths), sorted(extraction_error_files)
[docs] def get_openlineage_facets_on_complete(self, task_instance): """Implement _on_complete because we rely on return value of a query.""" import re from airflow.providers.common.compat.openlineage.facet import ( Dataset, Error, ExternalQueryRunFacet, ExtractionErrorRunFacet, SQLJobFacet, ) from airflow.providers.openlineage.extractors import OperatorLineage from airflow.providers.openlineage.sqlparser import SQLParser if not self._sql: return OperatorLineage() query_results = self._result or [] # If no files were uploaded we get [{"status": "0 files were uploaded..."}] if len(query_results) == 1 and query_results[0].get("status"): query_results = [] unique_dataset_paths, extraction_error_files = self._extract_openlineage_unique_dataset_paths( query_results ) input_datasets = [Dataset(namespace=namespace, name=name) for namespace, name in unique_dataset_paths] run_facets = {} if extraction_error_files: self.log.debug( "Unable to extract Dataset namespace and name for the following files: `%s`.", extraction_error_files, ) run_facets["extractionError"] = ExtractionErrorRunFacet( totalTasks=len(query_results), failedTasks=len(extraction_error_files), errors=[ Error( errorMessage="Unable to extract Dataset namespace and name.", stackTrace=None, task=file_uri, taskNumber=None, ) for file_uri in extraction_error_files ], ) connection = self.hook.get_connection(getattr(self.hook, str(self.hook.conn_name_attr))) database_info = self.hook.get_openlineage_database_info(connection) dest_name = self.table schema = self.hook.get_openlineage_default_schema() database = database_info.database if schema: dest_name = f"{schema}.{dest_name}" if database: dest_name = f"{database}.{dest_name}" snowflake_namespace = SQLParser.create_namespace(database_info) query = SQLParser.normalize_sql(self._sql) query = re.sub(r"\n+", "\n", re.sub(r" +", " ", query)) run_facets["externalQuery"] = ExternalQueryRunFacet( externalQueryId=self.hook.query_ids[0], source=snowflake_namespace ) return OperatorLineage( inputs=input_datasets, outputs=[Dataset(namespace=snowflake_namespace, name=dest_name)], job_facets={"sql": SQLJobFacet(query=query)}, run_facets=run_facets, )

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