Oracle Connection

The Oracle connection type provides connection to a Oracle database.

Configuring the Connection

Host (optional)

The host to connect to.

Schema (optional)

Specify the schema name to be used in the database.

Login (optional)

Specify the user name to connect.

Password (optional)

Specify the password to connect.

Extra (optional)

Specify the extra parameters (as json dictionary) that can be used in Oracle connection. The following parameters are supported:

  • events - Whether or not to initialize Oracle in events mode.

  • mode - one of sysdba, sysasm, sysoper, sysbkp, sysdgd, syskmt or sysrac which are defined at the module level, Default mode is connecting.

  • purity - one of new, self, default. Specify the session acquired from the pool. configuration parameter.

  • dsn. Specify a Data Source Name (and ignore Host).

  • sid or service_name. Use to form DSN instead of Schema.

  • module (str) - This write-only attribute sets the module column in the v$session table. The maximum length for this string is 48 and if you exceed this length you will get ORA-24960.

  • thick_mode (bool) - Specify whether to use python-oracledb in thick mode. Defaults to False. If set to True, you must have the Oracle Client libraries installed. See oracledb docs for more info.

  • thick_mode_lib_dir (str) - Path to use to find the Oracle Client libraries when using thick mode. If not specified, defaults to the standard way of locating the Oracle Client library on the OS. See oracledb docs for more info.

  • thick_mode_config_dir (str) - Path to use to find the Oracle Client library configuration files when using thick mode. If not specified, defaults to the standard way of locating the Oracle Client library configuration files on the OS. See oracledb docs for more info.

  • fetch_decimals (bool) - Specify whether numbers should be fetched as decimal.Decimal values. See defaults.fetch_decimals for more info.

  • fetch_lobs (bool) - Specify whether to fetch strings/bytes for CLOBs or BLOBs instead of locators. See defaults.fetch_lobs for more info.

Connect using dsn, Host and sid, Host and service_name, or only Host (OracleHook.getconn Documentation).

For example:



Host = ""
Schema = "orclpdb1"


Host = ""
Schema = "orcl"

More details on all Oracle connect parameters supported can be found in oracledb documentation.

Information on creating an Oracle Connection through the web user interface can be found in Airflow’s Managing Connections Documentation.

Example “extras” field:

   "events": false,
   "mode": "sysdba",
   "purity": "new"

When specifying the connection as URI (in AIRFLOW_CONN_{CONN_ID} variable) you should specify it following the standard syntax of DB connections, where extras are passed as parameters of the URI (note that all components of the URI should be URL-encoded).

For example:


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