SFTP to Azure Blob Storage Transfer Operator

The Blob service stores text and binary data as objects in the cloud. The Blob service offers the following three resources: the storage account, containers, and blobs. Within your storage account, containers provide a way to organize sets of blobs. For more information about the service visit Azure Blob Storage API documentation.

Before you begin

Before using Blob Storage within Airflow you need to authenticate your account with Token, Login and Password. Please follow Azure instructions to do it.

See following example. Set values for these fields:

SFTP Conn Id: sftp_default
WASB Conn Id: wasb_default

Transfer Data from SFTP Source Path to Blob Storage

Operator transfers data from SFTP Source Path to specified container in Azure Blob Storage

To get information about jobs within a Azure Blob Storage use: SFTPToWasbOperator Example usage:


transfer_files_to_azure = SFTPToWasbOperator(
    # SFTP args
    # AZURE args

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