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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file# distributed with this work for additional information# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,# software distributed under the License is distributed on an# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the# specific language governing permissions and limitations# under the License."""This module contains Azure Key Vault Backend... spelling:word-list:: Entra"""from__future__importannotationsimportloggingimportosfromfunctoolsimportcached_propertyfromazure.core.exceptionsimportResourceNotFoundErrorfromazure.identityimportClientSecretCredential,
[docs]classAzureKeyVaultBackend(BaseSecretsBackend,LoggingMixin):""" Retrieves Airflow Connections or Variables from Azure Key Vault secrets. The Azure Key Vault can be configured as a secrets backend in the ``airflow.cfg``: .. code-block:: ini [secrets] backend = backend_kwargs = {"connections_prefix": "airflow-connections", "vault_url": "<azure_key_vault_uri>"} For example, if the secrets prefix is ``airflow-connections-smtp-default``, this would be accessible if you provide ``{"connections_prefix": "airflow-connections"}`` and request conn_id ``smtp-default``. And if variables prefix is ``airflow-variables-hello``, this would be accessible if you provide ``{"variables_prefix": "airflow-variables"}`` and request variable key ``hello``. For client authentication, the ``DefaultAzureCredential`` from the Azure Python SDK is used as credential provider, which supports service principal, managed identity and user credentials For example, to specify a service principal with secret you can set the environment variables ``AZURE_TENANT_ID``, ``AZURE_CLIENT_ID`` and ``AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET``. .. seealso:: For more details on client authentication refer to the ``DefaultAzureCredential`` Class reference: :param connections_prefix: Specifies the prefix of the secret to read to get Connections If set to None (null), requests for connections will not be sent to Azure Key Vault :param variables_prefix: Specifies the prefix of the secret to read to get Variables If set to None (null), requests for variables will not be sent to Azure Key Vault :param config_prefix: Specifies the prefix of the secret to read to get Variables. If set to None (null), requests for configurations will not be sent to Azure Key Vault :param vault_url: The URL of an Azure Key Vault to use :param sep: separator used to concatenate secret_prefix and secret_id. Default: "-" :param tenant_id: The tenant id of an Azure Key Vault to use. If not given, it falls back to ``DefaultAzureCredential`` :param client_id: The client id of an Azure Key Vault to use. If not given, it falls back to ``DefaultAzureCredential`` :param managed_identity_client_id: The client ID of a user-assigned managed identity. If provided with `workload_identity_tenant_id`, they'll pass to ``DefaultAzureCredential``. :param workload_identity_tenant_id: ID of the application's Microsoft Entra tenant. Also called its "directory" ID. If provided with `managed_identity_client_id`, they'll pass to ``DefaultAzureCredential``. """def__init__(self,connections_prefix:str="airflow-connections",variables_prefix:str="airflow-variables",config_prefix:str="airflow-config",vault_url:str="",sep:str="-",*,tenant_id:str="",client_id:str="",client_secret:str="",managed_identity_client_id:str="",workload_identity_tenant_id:str="",**kwargs,)->None:super().__init__()
[docs]defclient(self)->SecretClient:"""Create a Azure Key Vault client."""credential:ClientSecretCredential|DefaultAzureCredentialifall([self.tenant_id,self.client_id,self.client_secret]):credential=ClientSecretCredential(self.tenant_id,self.client_id,self.client_secret)else:credential=get_sync_default_azure_credential(managed_identity_client_id=self.managed_identity_client_id,workload_identity_tenant_id=self.workload_identity_tenant_id,)client=SecretClient(vault_url=self.vault_url,credential=credential,**self.kwargs)returnclient
[docs]defget_conn_value(self,conn_id:str)->str|None:""" Get a serialized representation of Airflow Connection from an Azure Key Vault secret. :param conn_id: The Airflow connection id to retrieve """ifself.connections_prefixisNone:returnNonereturnself._get_secret(self.connections_prefix,conn_id)
[docs]defget_variable(self,key:str)->str|None:""" Get an Airflow Variable from an Azure Key Vault secret. :param key: Variable Key :return: Variable Value """ifself.variables_prefixisNone:returnNonereturnself._get_secret(self.variables_prefix,key)
[docs]defget_config(self,key:str)->str|None:""" Get Airflow Configuration. :param key: Configuration Option Key :return: Configuration Option Value """ifself.config_prefixisNone:returnNonereturnself._get_secret(self.config_prefix,key)
[docs]defbuild_path(path_prefix:str,secret_id:str,sep:str="-")->str:""" Given a path_prefix and secret_id, build a valid secret name for the Azure Key Vault Backend. Also replaces underscore in the path with dashes to support easy switching between environment variables, so ``connection_default`` becomes ``connection-default``. :param path_prefix: The path prefix of the secret to retrieve :param secret_id: Name of the secret :param sep: Separator used to concatenate path_prefix and secret_id """# When an empty prefix is given, do not add a separator to the secret nameifpath_prefix=="":path=f"{secret_id}"else:path=f"{path_prefix}{sep}{secret_id}"returnpath.replace("_",sep)
def_get_secret(self,path_prefix:str,secret_id:str)->str|None:""" Get an Azure Key Vault secret value. :param path_prefix: Prefix for the Path to get Secret :param secret_id: Secret Key """name=self.build_path(path_prefix,secret_id,self.sep)try:secret=self.client.get_secret(name=name)returnsecret.valueexceptResourceNotFoundErrorasex:self.log.debug("Secret %s not found: %s",name,ex)returnNone