A Microsoft Graph API operator which allows you to execute REST call to the Microsoft Graph API. |
Module Contents¶
-, **context)[source]¶
-, value, context, message)[source]¶
- class*, url, response_type=None, path_parameters=None, url_template=None, method='GET', query_parameters=None, headers=None, data=None, conn_id=KiotaRequestAdapterHook.default_conn_name, key=XCOM_RETURN_KEY, timeout=None, proxies=None, scopes=None, api_version=None, pagination_function=None, result_processor=lambda result, **context: ..., event_handler=None, serializer=ResponseSerializer, **kwargs)[source]¶
A Microsoft Graph API operator which allows you to execute REST call to the Microsoft Graph API.
See also
For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: MSGraphAsyncOperator
- Parameters:
url (str) – The url being executed on the Microsoft Graph API (templated).
response_type (kiota_abstractions.request_adapter.ResponseType | None) – The expected return type of the response as a string. Possible value are: bytes, str, int, float, bool and datetime (default is None).
method (str) – The HTTP method being used to do the REST call (default is GET).
conn_id (str) – The HTTP Connection ID to run the operator against (templated).
key (str) – The key that will be used to store XCom’s (“return_value” is default).
timeout (float | None) – The HTTP timeout being used by the KiotaRequestAdapter (default is None). When no timeout is specified or set to None then there is no HTTP timeout on each request.
proxies (dict | None) – A dict defining the HTTP proxies to be used (default is None).
scopes (str | list[str] | None) – The scopes to be used (default is [””]).
api_version (msgraph_core.APIVersion | str | None) – The API version of the Microsoft Graph API to be used (default is v1). You can pass an enum named APIVersion which has 2 possible members v1 and beta, or you can pass a string as v1.0 or beta.
result_processor (Callable[[Any, airflow.utils.context.Context], Any]) – Function to further process the response from MS Graph API (default is lambda: response, context: response). When the response returned by the KiotaRequestAdapterHook are bytes, then those will be base64 encoded into a string.
event_handler (Callable[[dict[Any, Any] | None, airflow.utils.context.Context], Any] | None) – Function to process the event returned from MSGraphTrigger. By default, when the event returned by the MSGraphTrigger has a failed status, an AirflowException is being raised with the message from the event, otherwise the response from the event payload is returned.
serializer (type[]) – Class which handles response serialization (default is ResponseSerializer). Bytes will be base64 encoded into a string, so it can be stored as an XCom.
- template_fields:[str] = ('url', 'response_type', 'path_parameters', 'url_template', 'query_parameters', 'headers',...[source]¶
- execute(context)[source]¶
Derive when creating an operator.
Context is the same dictionary used as when rendering jinja templates.
Refer to get_template_context for more context.