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## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file# distributed with this work for additional information# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,# software distributed under the License is distributed on an# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the# specific language governing permissions and limitations# under the License."""A template called by DataFlowPythonOperator to summarize BatchPrediction.It accepts a user function to calculate the metric(s) per instance inthe prediction results, then aggregates to output as a summary.It accepts the following arguments:- ``--prediction_path``: The GCS folder that contains BatchPrediction results, containing ``prediction.results-NNNNN-of-NNNNN`` files in the json format. Output will be also stored in this folder, as 'prediction.summary.json'.- ``--metric_fn_encoded``: An encoded function that calculates and returns a tuple of metric(s) for a given instance (as a dictionary). It should be encoded via ``base64.b64encode(dill.dumps(fn, recurse=True))``.- ``--metric_keys``: A comma-separated key(s) of the aggregated metric(s) in the summary output. The order and the size of the keys must match to the output of metric_fn. The summary will have an additional key, 'count', to represent the total number of instances, so the keys shouldn't include 'count'.Usage example:.. code-block: python from import DataflowCreatePythonJobOperator def get_metric_fn(): import math # all imports must be outside of the function to be passed. def metric_fn(inst): label = float(inst["input_label"]) classes = float(inst["classes"]) prediction = float(inst["scores"][1]) log_loss = math.log(1 + math.exp( -(label * 2 - 1) * math.log(prediction / (1 - prediction)))) squared_err = (classes-label)**2 return (log_loss, squared_err) return metric_fn metric_fn_encoded = base64.b64encode(dill.dumps(get_metric_fn(), recurse=True)) DataflowCreatePythonJobOperator( task_id="summary-prediction", py_options=["-m"], py_file="", options={ "prediction_path": prediction_path, "metric_fn_encoded": metric_fn_encoded, "metric_keys": "log_loss,mse" }, dataflow_default_options={ "project": "xxx", "region": "us-east1", "staging_location": "gs://yy", "temp_location": "gs://zz", } ) >> dagWhen the input file is like the following:: {"inputs": "1,x,y,z", "classes": 1, "scores": [0.1, 0.9]} {"inputs": "0,o,m,g", "classes": 0, "scores": [0.7, 0.3]} {"inputs": "1,o,m,w", "classes": 0, "scores": [0.6, 0.4]} {"inputs": "1,b,r,b", "classes": 1, "scores": [0.2, 0.8]}The output file will be:: {"log_loss": 0.43890510565304547, "count": 4, "mse": 0.25}To test outside of the dag:.. code-block:: python subprocess.check_call( [ "python", "-m", "", "--prediction_path=gs://...", "--metric_fn_encoded=" + metric_fn_encoded, "--metric_keys=log_loss,mse", "--runner=DataflowRunner", "--staging_location=gs://...", "--temp_location=gs://...", ] ).. spelling:: pcoll"""from__future__importannotationsimportargparseimportbase64importjsonimportloggingimportosimportapache_beamasbeamimportdillfromapache_beam.coders.codersimportCoder
[docs]defMakeSummary(pcoll,metric_fn,metric_keys):"""Summary PTransform used in Dataflow."""return(pcoll|"ApplyMetricFnPerInstance">>beam.Map(metric_fn)|"PairWith1">>beam.Map(lambdatup:tup+(1,))|"SumTuple">>beam.CombineGlobally(beam.combiners.TupleCombineFn(*([sum]*(len(metric_keys)+1))))|"AverageAndMakeDict">>beam.Map(lambdatup:dict([(name,tup[i]/tup[-1])fori,nameinenumerate(metric_keys)]+[("count",tup[-1])]
[docs]defrun(argv=None):"""Helper for obtaining prediction summary."""parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument("--prediction_path",required=True,help=("The GCS folder that contains BatchPrediction results, containing ""prediction.results-NNNNN-of-NNNNN files in the json format. ""Output will be also stored in this folder, as a file""'prediction.summary.json'."),)parser.add_argument("--metric_fn_encoded",required=True,help=("An encoded function that calculates and returns a tuple of ""metric(s) for a given instance (as a dictionary). It should be ""encoded via base64.b64encode(dill.dumps(fn, recurse=True))."),)parser.add_argument("--metric_keys",required=True,help=("A comma-separated keys of the aggregated metric(s) in the summary ""output. The order and the size of the keys must match to the ""output of metric_fn. The summary will have an additional key, ""'count', to represent the total number of instances, so this flag ""shouldn't include 'count'."),)known_args,pipeline_args=parser.parse_known_args(argv)metric_fn=dill.loads(base64.b64decode(known_args.metric_fn_encoded))ifnotcallable(metric_fn):raiseValueError("--metric_fn_encoded must be an encoded callable.")metric_keys=known_args.metric_keys.split(",")withbeam.Pipeline(options=beam.pipeline.PipelineOptions(pipeline_args))aspipe:prediction_result_pattern=os.path.join(known_args.prediction_path,"prediction.results-*-of-*")prediction_summary_path=os.path.join(known_args.prediction_path,"prediction.summary.json")# This is apache-beam ptransform's convention_=(pipe|"ReadPredictionResult">>,coder=JsonCoder())|"Summary">>MakeSummary(metric_fn,metric_keys)|"Write">>,shard_name_template="",# without trailing -NNNNN-of-NNNNN.coder=JsonCoder(),
))if__name__=="__main__":# Dataflow does not print anything on the screen by default. Good practice says to configure the logger# to be able to track the progress. This code is run in a separate process, so it's safe.logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)run()