# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
from connexion import NoContent
from flask import request
from marshmallow import ValidationError
from sqlalchemy import asc, desc, func, select
from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash
from airflow.api_connexion.exceptions import AlreadyExists, BadRequest, NotFound, Unknown
from airflow.api_connexion.parameters import check_limit, format_parameters
from airflow.api_connexion.security import requires_access_custom_view
from airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.models import User
from airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.schemas.user_schema import (
from airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.security_manager.override import FabAirflowSecurityManagerOverride
from airflow.security import permissions
from airflow.www.extensions.init_auth_manager import get_auth_manager
from airflow.api_connexion.types import APIResponse, UpdateMask
from airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.models import Role
@requires_access_custom_view("GET", permissions.RESOURCE_USER)
def get_user(*, username: str) -> APIResponse:
"""Get a user."""
security_manager = cast(FabAirflowSecurityManagerOverride, get_auth_manager().security_manager)
user = security_manager.find_user(username=username)
if not user:
raise NotFound(title="User not found", detail=f"The User with username `{username}` was not found")
return user_collection_item_schema.dump(user)
@requires_access_custom_view("GET", permissions.RESOURCE_USER)
@format_parameters({"limit": check_limit})
def get_users(*, limit: int, order_by: str = "id", offset: str | None = None) -> APIResponse:
"""Get users."""
security_manager = cast(FabAirflowSecurityManagerOverride, get_auth_manager().security_manager)
session = security_manager.get_session
total_entries = session.execute(select(func.count(User.id))).scalar()
direction = desc if order_by.startswith("-") else asc
to_replace = {"user_id": "id"}
order_param = order_by.strip("-")
order_param = to_replace.get(order_param, order_param)
allowed_sort_attrs = [
if order_by not in allowed_sort_attrs:
raise BadRequest(
detail=f"Ordering with '{order_by}' is disallowed or "
f"the attribute does not exist on the model"
query = select(User).order_by(direction(getattr(User, order_param))).offset(offset).limit(limit)
users = session.scalars(query).all()
return user_collection_schema.dump(UserCollection(users=users, total_entries=total_entries))
@requires_access_custom_view("POST", permissions.RESOURCE_USER)
def post_user() -> APIResponse:
"""Create a new user."""
data = user_schema.load(request.json)
except ValidationError as e:
raise BadRequest(detail=str(e.messages))
security_manager = cast(FabAirflowSecurityManagerOverride, get_auth_manager().security_manager)
username = data["username"]
email = data["email"]
if security_manager.find_user(username=username):
detail = f"Username `{username}` already exists. Use PATCH to update."
raise AlreadyExists(detail=detail)
if security_manager.find_user(email=email):
detail = f"The email `{email}` is already taken."
raise AlreadyExists(detail=detail)
roles_to_add = []
missing_role_names = []
for role_data in data.pop("roles", ()):
role_name = role_data["name"]
role = security_manager.find_role(role_name)
if role is None:
if missing_role_names:
detail = f"Unknown roles: {', '.join(repr(n) for n in missing_role_names)}"
raise BadRequest(detail=detail)
if not roles_to_add: # No roles provided, use the F.A.B's default registered user role.
user = security_manager.add_user(role=roles_to_add, **data)
if not user:
detail = f"Failed to add user `{username}`."
raise Unknown(detail=detail)
return user_schema.dump(user)
@requires_access_custom_view("PUT", permissions.RESOURCE_USER)
def patch_user(*, username: str, update_mask: UpdateMask = None) -> APIResponse:
"""Update a user."""
data = user_schema.load(request.json)
except ValidationError as e:
raise BadRequest(detail=str(e.messages))
security_manager = cast(FabAirflowSecurityManagerOverride, get_auth_manager().security_manager)
user = security_manager.find_user(username=username)
if user is None:
detail = f"The User with username `{username}` was not found"
raise NotFound(title="User not found", detail=detail)
# Check unique username
new_username = data.get("username")
if new_username and new_username != username:
if security_manager.find_user(username=new_username):
raise AlreadyExists(detail=f"The username `{new_username}` already exists")
# Check unique email
email = data.get("email")
if email and email != user.email:
if security_manager.find_user(email=email):
raise AlreadyExists(detail=f"The email `{email}` already exists")
# Get fields to update.
if update_mask is not None:
masked_data = {}
missing_mask_names = []
for field in update_mask:
field = field.strip()
masked_data[field] = data[field]
except KeyError:
if missing_mask_names:
detail = f"Unknown update masks: {', '.join(repr(n) for n in missing_mask_names)}"
raise BadRequest(detail=detail)
data = masked_data
roles_to_update: list[Role] | None
if "roles" in data:
roles_to_update = []
missing_role_names = []
for role_data in data.pop("roles", ()):
role_name = role_data["name"]
role = security_manager.find_role(role_name)
if role is None:
if missing_role_names:
detail = f"Unknown roles: {', '.join(repr(n) for n in missing_role_names)}"
raise BadRequest(detail=detail)
roles_to_update = None # Don't change existing value.
if "password" in data:
user.password = generate_password_hash(data.pop("password"))
if roles_to_update is not None:
user.roles = roles_to_update
for key, value in data.items():
setattr(user, key, value)
return user_schema.dump(user)
@requires_access_custom_view("DELETE", permissions.RESOURCE_USER)
def delete_user(*, username: str) -> APIResponse:
"""Delete a user."""
security_manager = cast(FabAirflowSecurityManagerOverride, get_auth_manager().security_manager)
user = security_manager.find_user(username=username)
if user is None:
detail = f"The User with username `{username}` was not found"
raise NotFound(title="User not found", detail=detail)
user.roles = [] # Clear foreign keys on this user first.
return NoContent, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT