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Trigger to make an HTTP call to dbt and get the status for the job.

class, run_id, end_time, poll_interval, account_id)[source]

Bases: airflow.triggers.base.BaseTrigger

Trigger to make an HTTP call to dbt and get the status for the job.

This is done with run id in polling interval of time.

  • conn_id (str) – The connection identifier for connecting to Dbt.

  • run_id (int) – The ID of a dbt Cloud job.

  • end_time (float) – Time in seconds to wait for a job run to reach a terminal status. Defaults to 7 days.

  • account_id (int | None) – The ID of a dbt Cloud account.

  • poll_interval (float) – polling period in seconds to check for the status.


Serialize DbtCloudRunJobTrigger arguments and classpath.

async run()[source]

Make async connection to Dbt, polls for the pipeline run status.

async is_still_running(hook)[source]

Check whether the submitted job is running.

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