Source code for airflow.providers.databricks.operators.databricks_sql

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"""This module contains Databricks operators."""

from __future__ import annotations

import csv
import json
from import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.providers.common.sql.operators.sql import SQLExecuteQueryOperator
from airflow.providers.databricks.hooks.databricks_sql import DatabricksSqlHook
from databricks.sql.utils import ParamEscaper

    from airflow.utils.context import Context

[docs] class DatabricksSqlOperator(SQLExecuteQueryOperator): """ Executes SQL code in a Databricks SQL endpoint or a Databricks cluster. .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:DatabricksSqlOperator` :param databricks_conn_id: Reference to :ref:`Databricks connection id<howto/connection:databricks>` (templated) :param http_path: Optional string specifying HTTP path of Databricks SQL Endpoint or cluster. If not specified, it should be either specified in the Databricks connection's extra parameters, or ``sql_endpoint_name`` must be specified. :param sql_endpoint_name: Optional name of Databricks SQL Endpoint. If not specified, ``http_path`` must be provided as described above. :param sql: the SQL code to be executed as a single string, or a list of str (sql statements), or a reference to a template file. (templated) Template references are recognized by str ending in '.sql' :param parameters: (optional) the parameters to render the SQL query with. :param session_configuration: An optional dictionary of Spark session parameters. Defaults to None. If not specified, it could be specified in the Databricks connection's extra parameters. :param client_parameters: Additional parameters internal to Databricks SQL Connector parameters :param http_headers: An optional list of (k, v) pairs that will be set as HTTP headers on every request. (templated) :param catalog: An optional initial catalog to use. Requires DBR version 9.0+ (templated) :param schema: An optional initial schema to use. Requires DBR version 9.0+ (templated) :param output_path: optional string specifying the file to which write selected data. (templated) :param output_format: format of output data if ``output_path` is specified. Possible values are ``csv``, ``json``, ``jsonl``. Default is ``csv``. :param csv_params: parameters that will be passed to the ``csv.DictWriter`` class used to write CSV data. """
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = tuple( {"_output_path", "schema", "catalog", "http_headers", "databricks_conn_id"} | set(SQLExecuteQueryOperator.template_fields) )
[docs] template_ext: Sequence[str] = (".sql",)
[docs] template_fields_renderers: ClassVar[dict] = {"sql": "sql"}
[docs] conn_id_field = "databricks_conn_id"
def __init__( self, *, databricks_conn_id: str = DatabricksSqlHook.default_conn_name, http_path: str | None = None, sql_endpoint_name: str | None = None, session_configuration=None, http_headers: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, catalog: str | None = None, schema: str | None = None, output_path: str | None = None, output_format: str = "csv", csv_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None, client_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(conn_id=databricks_conn_id, **kwargs)
[docs] self.databricks_conn_id = databricks_conn_id
self._output_path = output_path self._output_format = output_format self._csv_params = csv_params
[docs] self.http_path = http_path
[docs] self.sql_endpoint_name = sql_endpoint_name
[docs] self.session_configuration = session_configuration
[docs] self.client_parameters = {} if client_parameters is None else client_parameters
[docs] self.hook_params = kwargs.pop("hook_params", {})
[docs] self.http_headers = http_headers
[docs] self.catalog = catalog
[docs] self.schema = schema
[docs] def get_db_hook(self) -> DatabricksSqlHook: hook_params = { "http_path": self.http_path, "session_configuration": self.session_configuration, "sql_endpoint_name": self.sql_endpoint_name, "http_headers": self.http_headers, "catalog": self.catalog, "schema": self.schema, "caller": "DatabricksSqlOperator", **self.client_parameters, **self.hook_params, } return DatabricksSqlHook(self.databricks_conn_id, **hook_params)
def _should_run_output_processing(self) -> bool: return self.do_xcom_push or bool(self._output_path) def _process_output(self, results: list[Any], descriptions: list[Sequence[Sequence] | None]) -> list[Any]: if not self._output_path: return list(zip(descriptions, results)) if not self._output_format: raise AirflowException("Output format should be specified!") # Output to a file only the result of last query last_description = descriptions[-1] last_results = results[-1] if last_description is None: raise AirflowException("There is missing description present for the output file. .") field_names = [field[0] for field in last_description] if self._output_format.lower() == "csv": with open(self._output_path, "w", newline="") as file: if self._csv_params: csv_params = self._csv_params else: csv_params = {} write_header = csv_params.get("header", True) if "header" in csv_params: del csv_params["header"] writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=field_names, **csv_params) if write_header: writer.writeheader() for row in last_results: writer.writerow(row._asdict()) elif self._output_format.lower() == "json": with open(self._output_path, "w") as file: file.write(json.dumps([row._asdict() for row in last_results])) elif self._output_format.lower() == "jsonl": with open(self._output_path, "w") as file: for row in last_results: file.write(json.dumps(row._asdict())) file.write("\n") else: raise AirflowException(f"Unsupported output format: '{self._output_format}'") return list(zip(descriptions, results))
[docs] class DatabricksCopyIntoOperator(BaseOperator): """ Executes COPY INTO command in a Databricks SQL endpoint or a Databricks cluster. COPY INTO command is constructed from individual pieces, that are described in `documentation <>`_. .. seealso:: For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: :ref:`howto/operator:DatabricksSqlCopyIntoOperator` :param table_name: Required name of the table. (templated) :param file_location: Required location of files to import. (templated) :param file_format: Required file format. Supported formats are ``CSV``, ``JSON``, ``AVRO``, ``ORC``, ``PARQUET``, ``TEXT``, ``BINARYFILE``. :param databricks_conn_id: Reference to :ref:`Databricks connection id<howto/connection:databricks>` (templated) :param http_path: Optional string specifying HTTP path of Databricks SQL Endpoint or cluster. If not specified, it should be either specified in the Databricks connection's extra parameters, or ``sql_endpoint_name`` must be specified. :param sql_endpoint_name: Optional name of Databricks SQL Endpoint. If not specified, ``http_path`` must be provided as described above. :param session_configuration: An optional dictionary of Spark session parameters. Defaults to None. If not specified, it could be specified in the Databricks connection's extra parameters. :param http_headers: An optional list of (k, v) pairs that will be set as HTTP headers on every request :param catalog: An optional initial catalog to use. Requires DBR version 9.0+ :param schema: An optional initial schema to use. Requires DBR version 9.0+ :param client_parameters: Additional parameters internal to Databricks SQL Connector parameters :param files: optional list of files to import. Can't be specified together with ``pattern``. (templated) :param pattern: optional regex string to match file names to import. Can't be specified together with ``files``. :param expression_list: optional string that will be used in the ``SELECT`` expression. :param credential: optional credential configuration for authentication against a source location. :param storage_credential: optional Unity Catalog storage credential for destination. :param encryption: optional encryption configuration for a specified location. :param format_options: optional dictionary with options specific for a given file format. :param force_copy: optional bool to control forcing of data import (could be also specified in ``copy_options``). :param validate: optional configuration for schema & data validation. ``True`` forces validation of all rows, integer number - validate only N first rows :param copy_options: optional dictionary of copy options. Right now only ``force`` option is supported. """
[docs] template_fields: Sequence[str] = ( "file_location", "files", "table_name", "databricks_conn_id", )
def __init__( self, *, table_name: str, file_location: str, file_format: str, databricks_conn_id: str = DatabricksSqlHook.default_conn_name, http_path: str | None = None, sql_endpoint_name: str | None = None, session_configuration=None, http_headers: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, client_parameters: dict[str, Any] | None = None, catalog: str | None = None, schema: str | None = None, files: list[str] | None = None, pattern: str | None = None, expression_list: str | None = None, credential: dict[str, str] | None = None, storage_credential: str | None = None, encryption: dict[str, str] | None = None, format_options: dict[str, str] | None = None, force_copy: bool | None = None, copy_options: dict[str, str] | None = None, validate: bool | int | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Create a new ``DatabricksSqlOperator``.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) if files is not None and pattern is not None: raise AirflowException("Only one of 'pattern' or 'files' should be specified") if table_name == "": raise AirflowException("table_name shouldn't be empty") if file_location == "": raise AirflowException("file_location shouldn't be empty") if file_format not in COPY_INTO_APPROVED_FORMATS: raise AirflowException(f"file_format '{file_format}' isn't supported")
[docs] self.files = files
self._pattern = pattern self._file_format = file_format
[docs] self.databricks_conn_id = databricks_conn_id
self._http_path = http_path self._sql_endpoint_name = sql_endpoint_name
[docs] self.session_config = session_configuration
[docs] self.table_name = table_name
self._catalog = catalog self._schema = schema
[docs] self.file_location = file_location
self._expression_list = expression_list self._credential = credential self._storage_credential = storage_credential self._encryption = encryption self._format_options = format_options self._copy_options = copy_options or {} self._validate = validate self._http_headers = http_headers self._client_parameters = client_parameters or {} if force_copy is not None: self._copy_options["force"] = "true" if force_copy else "false" def _get_hook(self) -> DatabricksSqlHook: return DatabricksSqlHook( self.databricks_conn_id, http_path=self._http_path, session_configuration=self.session_config, sql_endpoint_name=self._sql_endpoint_name, http_headers=self._http_headers, catalog=self._catalog, schema=self._schema, caller="DatabricksCopyIntoOperator", **self._client_parameters, ) @staticmethod def _generate_options( name: str, escaper: ParamEscaper, opts: dict[str, str] | None = None, escape_key: bool = True, ) -> str: formatted_opts = "" if opts: pairs = [ f"{escaper.escape_item(k) if escape_key else k} = {escaper.escape_item(v)}" for k, v in opts.items() ] formatted_opts = f"{name} ({', '.join(pairs)})" return formatted_opts def _create_sql_query(self) -> str: escaper = ParamEscaper() maybe_with = "" if self._encryption is not None or self._credential is not None: maybe_encryption = "" if self._encryption is not None: maybe_encryption = self._generate_options("ENCRYPTION", escaper, self._encryption, False) maybe_credential = "" if self._credential is not None: maybe_credential = self._generate_options("CREDENTIAL", escaper, self._credential, False) maybe_with = f" WITH ({maybe_credential} {maybe_encryption})" location = escaper.escape_item(self.file_location) + maybe_with if self._expression_list is not None: location = f"(SELECT {self._expression_list} FROM {location})" files_or_pattern = "" if self._pattern is not None: files_or_pattern = f"PATTERN = {escaper.escape_item(self._pattern)}\n" elif self.files is not None: files_or_pattern = f"FILES = {escaper.escape_item(self.files)}\n" format_options = self._generate_options("FORMAT_OPTIONS", escaper, self._format_options) + "\n" copy_options = self._generate_options("COPY_OPTIONS", escaper, self._copy_options) + "\n" storage_cred = "" if self._storage_credential: storage_cred = f" WITH (CREDENTIAL {self._storage_credential})" validation = "" if self._validate is not None: if isinstance(self._validate, bool): if self._validate: validation = "VALIDATE ALL\n" elif isinstance(self._validate, int): if self._validate < 0: raise AirflowException( f"Number of rows for validation should be positive, got: {self._validate}" ) validation = f"VALIDATE {self._validate} ROWS\n" else: raise AirflowException(f"Incorrect data type for validate parameter: {type(self._validate)}") # TODO: think on how to make sure that table_name and expression_list aren't used for SQL injection sql = f"""COPY INTO {self.table_name}{storage_cred} FROM {location} FILEFORMAT = {self._file_format} {validation}{files_or_pattern}{format_options}{copy_options} """ return sql.strip()
[docs] def execute(self, context: Context) -> Any: sql = self._create_sql_query()"Executing: %s", sql) hook = self._get_hook()
[docs] def on_kill(self) -> None: # NB: on_kill isn't required for this operator since query cancelling gets # handled in `` method which is called in `execute()` ...

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