This version has no code changes. It’s released due to yank of previous version due to packaging issues.
KubernetesPodOperator new callbacks and allow multiple callbacks (#44357)
Bug Fixes¶
(fix): Render a pod spec using the pod_template_file override, if passed to the executor (#46374)
fix: kpo async kube_config_path (#45571)
Allow passing empty labels in the spark kubernetes driver config (#45864)
fix: spark operator label (#45353)
Allow internal retries when pending k8s pod is deleted (#45184)
fix: correctly shutdown xcom after job is complete (#45455)
Fix kubernetes executor watcher kube_client_request_args shadowing (#45528)
Fix wrong operator name in doc string of @task.kubernetes (#46873)
AIP-83 amendment: Add logic for generating run_id when logical date is None. (#46616)
Remove overlooked 'pod_generator_deprecated.py' (#46587)
More meaningful '@task.kubernetes' pod naming (#46535)
chore(kubernetes): reduce redundant code (#46574)
Add dynamic task mapping into TaskSDK runtime (#46032)
Expand KPO template_fields, fix Spark k8s operator tests (#46268)
Swap CeleryExecutor over to use TaskSDK for execution. (#46265)
Move Pod*Exceptions to separate module (#45759)
Add other instances of Context type hints (#45657)
AIP-72: Support better type-hinting for Context dict in SDK (#45583)
AIP-72: Swap KubernetesExecutor to use taskSDK for execution (#46860)
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.9+ as explained in the Apache Airflow providers support policy.
Add logging support for init containers in KubernetesPodOperator (#42498) (#43853)
Implement KubernetesInstallKueueOperator + (#44568)
support grouping of log lines for KubernetesPodOperator (#44428)
Bug Fixes¶
Compare k8s executor against alias, not full ExecutorName repr (#44967)
Fix failing KubernetesExecutor (#44931)
Remove references to AIRFLOW_V_2_9_PLUS (#44987)
Bump minimum Airflow version in providers to Airflow 2.9.0 (#44956)
Consistent way of checking Airflow version in providers (#44686)
Fix yoda-conditions (#44466)
Bug Fixes¶
Bugfix KubernetesJobOperator.on_kill() by removing unexpected 'job' argument from the k8s job client method 'delete_namespaced_job' invocation (#44131)
Re-queue tassk when they are stuck in queued (#43520)
Rename execution_date to logical_date across codebase (#43902)
Breaking changes¶
All deprecated classes, parameters and features have been removed from the Kubernetes provider package. The following breaking changes were introduced:
- Helpers
method fromkubernetes_helper_functions.py
. Useadd_unique_suffix
method fromPodGenerator
. Useadd_unique_suffix
method fromkubernetes_helper_functions.py
. Usecreate_unique_id
method fromPodGenerator
method fromPodGenerator
. Useairflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.xcom_sidecar.add_xcom_sidecar
instead.Remove the option to using a dictionary for the executor_config
function inPodGenerator
. Use akubernetes.client.models.V1Pod
class with a “pod_override” key.Remove
method fromPodGenerator
module. Useairflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager
- Operators
. Useairflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.operators.pod
parameters fromKubernetesPodOperator
. Useon_finish_action
parameters fromKubernetesPodOperator
. Usecallbacks
method fromKubernetesPodOperator
. Usetrigger_reentry
parameter fromSparkKubernetesOperator
. Usedo_xcom_push
- Triggers
parameter fromKubernetesPodTrigger
. Useon_finish_action
- Utils
parameter fromPodManager
method fromPodManager
. Usefetch_container_logs
Set the default value of namespace
in @task.kubernetes
to None
, so it uses the cluster namespace when in_cluster
is True. Be sure to specify a namespace when using this decorator. To retain the previous behavior, set namespace="default"
Remove deprecations cncf.kubernetes (#43689)
Change default value of 'namespace' in 'task.kubernetes' to be None (#43402)
Bug Fixes¶
Add random_name_suffix to SparkKubernetesOperator (#43847)
terminate kubernetes watch in case of unknown error (#43645)
Update 'namespace' priority for 'find_pod' function (#43762)
AIP-72: Remove DAG pickling (#43667)
Bug Fixes¶
(fix): HybridExecutor tasks of other executor rescheduled in kubernetes executor (#43003)
(fix): use instance base_container_name to fetch logs on trigger_reentry (#42960)
Add kubernetes_conn_id to templated fields (#42786)
Allow node_selector templating in KPO (#43051)
Bump max version of Kubernetes Python SDK to 31.0.0 (#42907)
Breaking changes¶
Support for identifying pods by execution_date during the upgrade from Airflow 1 to 2 has been removed. This may result in duplicate pods being launched for tasks originally started by Airflow 1, but only one of the task pods will succeed.
kubernetes executor cleanup_stuck_queued_tasks optimization (#41220)
Bug Fixes¶
All executors should inherit from BaseExecutor (#41904)
Fix mark as success when pod fails while fetching log (#42815)
Fix SparkKubernetesOperator spark name. (#42427)
KubernetesPodOperator never stops if credentials are refreshed (#42361)
Restructured 'await_xcom_sidecar_container_start' method. (#42504)
KubernetesHook kube_config extra can take dict (#41413)
Drop python3.8 support core and providers (#42766)
Remove airflow_version from k8s executor pod selector (#42751)
Deprecated configuration removed (#42129)
docstring update in AsyncKubernetesHook (#41929)
Remove Airflow 2.7 support from Kubernetes Provider (#41746)
remove deprecated soft_fail from providers (#41710)
Bug Fixes¶
fix: 'KubernetesExecutor' failing the task in case the watcher receives an event with the reason ProviderFailed (#41186)
fix: 'do_xcom_push' and 'get_logs' functionality for KubernetesJobOperator (#40814)
fix: 'KubernetesHook' loading config file with '_is_in_cluster' set as False (#41464)
fix: Missing 'slots_occupied' in 'CeleryKubernetesExecutor' and 'LocalKubernetesExecutor' (#41602)
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.8+ as explained in the Apache Airflow providers support policy.
Bump minimum Airflow version in providers to Airflow 2.8.0 (#41396)
Describe behaviour in docstring correctly (#41458)
Remove deprecated SubDags (#41390)
reorder docstring of 'SparkKubernetesOperator' (#41372)
Bug Fixes¶
Pass content of kube/config file to triggerer as a dictionary (#41178)
Fix confusing log message in kubernetes executor (#41035)
Fix ApiException handling when adopting completed pods (#41109)
Bug Fixes¶
Solve failing KPO task with task decorator and imported typing elements (#40642)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix Scheduler restarting due to too many completed pods in cluster (#40183)
Bump minimum kubernetes lib version to kubernetes 29.0.0 (#40253)
Bug Fixes¶
Fixes KubernetesPodTrigger failing running pods with timeout (#40019)
Refresh properties on KubernetesPodOperator on token expiration also when logging (#39789)
Fix reattach_on_restart parameter for the sync mode (#39329)
Avoid resetting adopted task instances when retrying for kubernetes executor (#39406)
Include fatal reason for pod pending events (#39924)
Add timeout when watching pod events in k8s executor (#39551)
Add retry logic for KubernetesCreateResourceOperator and KubernetesJobOperator (#39201)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix deprecated calls in 'cncf.kubernetes' provider (#39381)
Handling exception getting logs when pods finish success (#39296)
fix wrong arguments in read_namespaced_pod_log call (#39874)
Move Kubernetes cli to provider package (#39587)
Remove compat code for 2.7.0 - its now the min Airflow version (#39591)
Simplify 'airflow_version' imports (#39497)
Replace pod_manager.read_pod_logs with client.read_namespaced_pod_log in KubernetesPodOperator._write_logs (#39112)
Add a warning message to KPO to warn of one second interval logs duplication (#39861)
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.7+ as explained in the Apache Airflow providers support policy.
Add missing informative logs in KPO trigger until container has not finished (#37546)
Bug Fixes¶
fixes templated env vars for k8s pod operator (#39139)
Fix SparkKubernetesOperator when using initContainers (#38119)
Refresh properties on KubernetesPodOperator when k8s fails due to token expiration (#39325)
Bump minimum Airflow version in providers to Airflow 2.7.0 (#39240)
Remove unnecessary validation from cncf provider. (#39238)
Moves airflow import in deprecated pod_generator to local (#39062)
KPO xcom sidecar PodDefault usage (#38951)
Bug Fixes¶
Avoid logging empty line KPO (#38247)
KPO Add follow log in termination step (#38081)
Add GKECreateCustomResourceOperator and GKEDeleteCustomResourceOperator operators (#37616)
Implement deferrable mode for KubernetesJobOperator (#38251)
Create KubernetesPatchJobOperator operator (#38146)
Implement delete_on_status parameter for KubernetesDeleteJobOperator (#38458)
Implement deferrable mode for GKEStartJobOperator (#38454)
Use startup_check_interval_seconds instead of poll_interval to check pod while startup (#38075)
Implement wait_until_job_complete parameter for KubernetesJobOperator (#37998)
Bug Fixes¶
Use SIGINT signal number instead of signal name (#37905)
Fix spark operator log retrieval from driver (#38106)
Fix dynamic allocation specs handling for custom launcher (#38223)
Fix case if 'SparkKubernetesOperator.application_file' is templated file (#38035)
fix: reduce irrelevant error logs for pod events. (#37944)
Add GKEListJobsOperator and GKEDescribeJobOperator (#37598)
removed usage of deprecated function for naming the pod in provider k8s pod.py (#38638)
Create DeleteKubernetesJobOperator and GKEDeleteJobOperator operators (#37793)
Refactor GKE hooks (#38404)
Bug Fixes¶
Immediately fail the task in case of worker pod having a fatal container state (#37670)
Skip pod cleanup in case of pod creation failed (#37671)
Avoid non-recommended usage of logging (#37792)
Migrate executor docs to respective providers (#37728)
Breaking changes¶
In the case of Kube API exceeded quota errors, we have introduced the task_publish_max_retries
flag to control the re-queuing task behavior. Changed the default behavior from unlimited
retries to 0. The default behavior is no retries (task_publish_max_retries==0
). For
unlimited retries, set task_publish_max_retries=-1
. For a fixed number of retries, set
to any positive integer.
Fix: The task is stuck in a queued state forever in case of pod launch errors (#36882)
Add logging_interval in KubernetesPodOperator to log container log periodically (#37279)
Create GKEStartJobOperator and KubernetesJobOperator (#36847)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix occasional attr-undefined for the python_kubernetes_script (#37318)
Fix hanging KPO on deferrable task with do_xcom_push (#37300)
Fix rendering 'SparkKubernetesOperator.template_body' (#37271)
Fix assignment of template field in '__init__' in 'KubernetesPodOperator' (#37010)
KPO Maintain backward compatibility for execute_complete and trigger run method (#37454)
Fix KPO task hanging when pod fails to start within specified timeout (#37514)
Fix KeyError when KPO exits too soon (#37508)
feat: Switch all class, functions, methods deprecations to decorators (#36876)
Kubernetes version bump (#37040)
Add GKEStartKueueInsideClusterOperator (#37072)
Convert Kubernetes ApiException status code to string to ensure it's correctly checked (#37405)
Add SparkKubernetesOperator crd implementation (#22253)
Template field support for configmaps in the KubernetesPodOperator (#36922)
Create a generic callbacks class for KubernetesPodOperator (#35714)
Bug Fixes¶
fix: Avoid retrying after KubernetesPodOperator has been marked as failed (#36749)
Fix stacklevel in warnings.warn into the providers (#36831)
Increase tenacity wait in read_pod_logs (#36955)
36888-Fix k8 configmap issue in 7.14.0rc1 (#37001)
Change field type for kube_config (#36752)
Changing wording in docstring for CNCF provider (#36547)
Add support of Pendulum 3 (#36281)
Allow changing of 'config_file' in 'KubernetesResourceBaseOperator' (#36397)
Add reminder about update stub file in case of change KubernetesPodOperator's arguments (#36434)
Don't get pod status in KubernetesPodOperator if skip_on_exit_code is not set (#36355)
Remove deprecated input parameters in the k8s pod operator (#36433)
Delete get_python_source from Kubernetes decorator after bumping min airflow version to 2.6.0 (#36426)
Remove duplicated methods in K8S pod operator module and import them from helper function (#36427)
Add _request_timeout to KPO log fetch calls (#36297)
Add 'pod_template_dict' field to 'KubernetesPodOperator' (#33174)
KubernetesPodTrigger: add exception stack trace in TriggerEvent (#35716)
Make pod_name length equal to HOST_NAME_MAX (#36332)
Move KubernetesPodTrigger hook to a cached property (#36290)
Bug Fixes¶
Kubernetes executor running slots leak fix (#36240)
Follow BaseHook connection fields method signature in child classes (#36086)
list pods performance optimization (#36092)
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.6+ as explained in the Apache Airflow providers support policy.
Bug Fixes¶
fix: KPO typing env_vars (#36048)
Stop converting state to TaskInstanceState when it's None (#35891)
Feature pass dictionary configuration in application_file in SparkKubernetesOperator (#35848)
Bump minimum Airflow version in providers to Airflow 2.6.0 (#36017)
Add annotations field into in KubernetesPodOperator (#35641)
Add custom_resource_definition to KubernetesResourceBaseOperator (#35600)
Bug Fixes¶
Revert Remove PodLoggingStatus object #35422 (#35822)
Fix K8S executor override config using pod_override_object (#35185)
Fix and reapply templates for provider documentation (#35686)
Remove inconsequential code bits in KPO logging (#35416)
Remove non existing params from 'KubernetesResourceBaseOperator' docstring
KubernetesExecutor observability Improvements (#35579)
Add verificationy that provider docs are as expected (#35424)
Add startup_check_interval_seconds to PodManager's await_pod_start (#34231)
Bug Fixes¶
Remove before_log in KPO retry and add traceback when interrupted (#35423)
Remove tenancity on KPO logs inner func consume_logs (#35504)
Simplify KPO multi container log reconciliation logic (#35450)
Remove PodLoggingStatus object (#35422)
Improve clear_not_launched_queued_tasks call duration (#34985)
Use constant for empty xcom result sentinel (#35451)
Added to the rendering of KubernetesOperator V1VolumeMount, sub_path (#35129)
feat: add hostAliases to pod spec in KubernetesPodOperator (#35063)
Bug Fixes¶
Replace blocking IO with async IO in AsyncKubernetesHook (#35162)
Consolidate the warning stacklevel in KubernetesPodTrigger (#35079)
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.5+ as explained in the Apache Airflow providers support policy.
Bug Fixes¶
Fix parsing KubernetesPodOperator multiline logs (#34412)
Fix KubernetesPodTrigger startup timeout (#34579)
Fix Pod not being removed after istio-sidecar is removed (#34500)
Remove duplicated logs by reusing PodLogsConsumer (#34127)
Bump min airflow version of providers (#34728)
warn level for deprecated set to stacklevel 2 (#34530)
Use 'airflow.exceptions.AirflowException' in providers (#34511)
Add 'progress_callback' parameter to 'KubernetesPodOperator' (#34153)
Bug Fixes¶
Move definition of Pod*Exceptions to pod_generator (#34346)
Push to xcom before 'KubernetesPodOperator' deferral (#34209)
Refactor: Consolidate import textwrap in providers (#34220)
Bug Fixes¶
fix(providers/spark-kubernetes): respect soft_fail argument when exception is raised (#34167)
Use 'cached_property' for hook in SparkKubernetesSensor (#34106)
Use cached property for hook in SparkKubernetesOperator (#34130)
Combine similar if logics in providers (#33987)
Remove useless string join from providers (#33968)
Refactor unneeded jumps in providers (#33833)
replace loop by any when looking for a positive value in providers (#33984)
Move the try outside the loop when this is possible in kubernetes provider (#33977)
Replace sequence concatenation by unpacking in Airflow providers (#33933)
Replace dict.items by values when key is not used in providers (#33939)
Refactor: Consolidate import datetime (#34110)
Add istio test, use curl /quitquitquit to exit sidecar, and some othe… (#33306)
Add 'active_deadline_seconds' parameter to 'KubernetesPodOperator' (#33379)
Make cluster_context templated (#33604)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix KubernetesPodOperator duplicating logs when interrupted (#33500)
Fix 2.7.0 db migration job errors (#33652)
Inspect container state rather than last_state when deciding whether to skip (#33702)
Fix kill istio proxy logic (#33779)
Introducing class constant to make worker pod log lines configurable (#33378)
Adding typing for KPO SCC objects (#33381)
Refactor: Remove useless str() calls (#33629)
Refactor: Improve detection of duplicates and list sorting (#33675)
Refactor Sqlalchemy queries to 2.0 style (Part 7) (#32883)
Consolidate import and usage of itertools (#33479)
Simplify conditions on len() in other providers (#33569)
Import utc from datetime and normalize its import (#33450)
Always use 'Literal' from 'typing_extensions' (#33794)
Use literal dict instead of calling dict() in providers (#33761)
Improve modules import in cncf.kubernetes probvider by move some of them into a type-checking block (#33781)
Add missing re2 dependency to cncf.kubernetes and celery providers (#33237)
Make the 'OnFinishAction' enum inherit from str to support passing it to 'KubernetesPodOperatpor' (#33228)
Refactor: Simplify code in providers/cncf (#33230)
Replace State by TaskInstanceState in Airflow executors (#32627)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix waiting the base container when reading the logs of other containers (#33127)
Fix: Configurable Docker image of 'xcom_sidecar' (#32858)
Fix 'KubernetesPodOperator' sub classes default container_logs (#33090)
Consider custom pod labels on pod finding process on 'KubernetesPodOperator' (#33057)
add documentation generation for CLI commands from executors (#33081)
This provider release is the first release that has Kubernetes Executor and
Local Kubernetes Executor moved from the core apache-airflow
package to the cncf.kubernetes
provider package.
Move all k8S classes to cncf.kubernetes provider (#32767)
[AIP-51] Executors vending CLI commands (#29055)
Add 'termination_message_policy' parameter to 'KubernetesPodOperator' (#32885)
Update the watcher resource version in SparkK8SOp when it's too old (#32768)
Add deprecation info to the providers modules and classes docstring (#32536)
Raise original import error in CLI vending of executors (#32931)
Logging from all containers in KubernetesOperatorPod (#31663)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix async KPO by waiting pod termination in 'execute_complete' before cleanup (#32467)
Add 'on_finish_action' to 'KubernetesPodOperator' (#30718)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix KubernetesPodOperator validate xcom json and add retries (#32113)
Fix 'KubernetesPodTrigger' waiting strategy (#31348)
fix spark-kubernetes-operator compatibality (#31798)
Add default_deferrable config (#31712)
This release dropped support for Python 3.7
KubernetesResourceOperator - KubernetesDeleteResourceOperator & KubernetesCreateResourceOperator (#29930)
add a return when the event is yielded in a loop to stop the execution (#31985)
Add possibility to disable logging the pod template in a case when task fails (#31595)
Bug Fixes¶
Remove return statement after yield from triggers class (#31703)
Fix Fargate logging for AWS system tests (#31622)
Remove Python 3.7 support (#30963)
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.4+ as explained in the Apache Airflow providers support policy.
Breaking changes¶
Return None when namespace is not defined in the Kubernetes connection
Remove deprecated features from KubernetesHook (#31402)
If kubernetes_default
connection is not defined, then KubernetesHook / KubernetesPodOperator will behave as though given conn_id=None
This should make it easier to mitigate breaking change introduced in 6.0.0
K8s hook should still work with missing default conn (#31187)
Add protocol to define methods relied upon by KubernetesPodOperator (#31298)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix kubernetes task decorator pickle error (#31110)
Bump minimum Airflow version in providers (#30917)
Empty xcom result file log message more specific (#31228)
Add options to KubernetesPodOperator (#30992)
add missing read for K8S config file from conn in deferred 'KubernetesPodOperator' (#29498)
Add multiple exit code handling in skip logic for 'DockerOperator' and 'KubernetesPodOperator' (#30769)
Skip KubernetesPodOperator task when it returns a provided exit code (#29000)
Breaking changes¶
Use kubernetes_default
connection by default in the KubernetesPodOperator
Use default connection id for KubernetesPodOperator (#28848)
Allow to set limits for XCOM container (#28125)
enhance spark_k8s_operator (#29977)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix KubernetesPodOperator xcom push when 'get_logs=False' (#29052)
Fixed hanged KubernetesPodOperator (#28336)
Align cncf provider file names with AIP-21 (#29905)
Remove "boilerplate" from all taskflow decorators (#30118)
Ensure setup/teardown work on a previously decorated function (#30216)
Bug Fixes¶
'KubernetesPodOperator._render_nested_template_fields' improved by changing the conditionals for a map (#29760)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix @task.kubernetes to receive input and send output (#28942)
Add deferrable mode to ''KubernetesPodOperator'' (#29017)
Allow setting the name for the base container within K8s Pod Operator (#28808)
Bug Fixes¶
Patch only single label when marking KPO checked (#29279)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix Incorrect 'await_container_completion' (#28771)
Add Flink on K8s Operator (#28512)
Add volume-related nested template fields for KPO (#27719)
Allow longer pod names for k8s executor / KPO (#27736)
Use labels instead of pod name for pod log read in k8s exec (#28546)
Bug Fixes¶
Patch "checked" when pod not successful (#27845)
Keep pod name for k8s executor under 63 characters (#28237)
Remove outdated compat imports/code from providers (#28507)
Restructure Docs (#27235)
This release of provider is only available for Airflow 2.3+ as explained in the Apache Airflow providers support policy.
Breaking changes¶
Previously KubernetesPodOperator considered some settings from the Airflow config’s kubernetes
Such consideration was deprecated in 4.1.0 and is now removed. If you previously relied on the Airflow
config, and you want client generation to have non-default configuration, you will need to define your
configuration in an Airflow connection and set KPO to use the connection. See kubernetes provider
documentation on defining a kubernetes Airflow connection for details.
Drop support for providing resource
as dict in KubernetesPodOperator
. You
should use container_resources
with V1ResourceRequirements
Param node_selectors
has been removed in KubernetesPodOperator
; use node_selector
The following backcompat modules for KubernetesPodOperator are removed and you must now use the corresponding objects from the kubernetes library:
Remove deprecated backcompat objects for KPO (#27518)
Remove support for node_selectors param in KPO (#27515)
Remove unused backcompat method in k8s hook (#27490)
Drop support for providing ''resource'' as dict in ''KubernetesPodOperator'' (#27197)
Don't consider airflow core conf for KPO (#26849)
Move min airflow version to 2.3.0 for all providers (#27196)
Use log.exception where more economical than log.error (#27517)
KubernetesPodOperator argument name
is now optional. Previously, name
was a
required argument for KubernetesPodOperator when also not supplying pod
template or full pod spec. Now, if name
is not supplied, task_id
will be used.
KubernetesPodOperator argument namespace
is now optional. If not supplied via KPO param or pod
template file or full pod spec, then we’ll check the airflow conn,
then if in a k8s pod, try to infer the namespace from the container, then finally
will use the default
When using an Airflow connection of type kubernetes
, if defining the connection in an env var
or secrets backend, it’s no longer necessary to prefix the “extra” fields with extra__kubernetes__
If extra
contains duplicate fields (one with prefix, one without) then the non-prefixed
one will be used.
Remove extra__kubernetes__ prefix from k8s hook extras (#27021)
Add container_resources as KubernetesPodOperator templatable (#27457)
add container_name option for SparkKubernetesSensor (#26560)
Allow xcom sidecar container image to be configurable in KPO (#26766)
Improve task_id to pod name conversion (#27524)
Make pod name optional in KubernetesPodOperator (#27120)
Make namespace optional for KPO (#27116)
Enable template rendering for env_vars field for the @task.kubernetes decorator (#27433)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix KubernetesHook fail on an attribute absence (#25787)
Fix log message for kubernetes hooks (#26999)
KPO should use hook's get namespace method to get namespace (#27516)
New deprecations¶
- In
, if a connection is defined but a namespace isn’t set, we currently return ‘default’; this behavior is deprecated (#27202). In the next release, we’ll return
- In
Deprecate use of core get_kube_client in PodManager (#26848)
feat(KubernetesPodOperator): Add support of container_security_context (#25530)
Add @task.kubernetes taskflow decorator (#25663)
pretty print KubernetesPodOperator rendered template env_vars (#25850)
Bug Fixes¶
Avoid calculating all elements when one item is needed (#26377)
Wait for xcom sidecar container to start before sidecar exec (#25055)
Improve taskflow type hints with ParamSpec (#25173)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix xcom_sidecar stuck problem (#24993)
Add 'airflow_kpo_in_cluster' label to KPO pods (#24658)
Use found pod for deletion in KubernetesPodOperator (#22092)
Bug Fixes¶
Revert "Fix await_container_completion condition (#23883)" (#24474)
Update providers to use functools compat for ''cached_property'' (#24582)
Rename 'resources' arg in Kub op to k8s_resources (#24673)
Previously, KubernetesPodOperator relied on core Airflow configuration (namely setting for kubernetes executor) for certain settings used in client generation. Now KubernetesPodOperator uses KubernetesHook, and the consideration of core k8s settings is officially deprecated.
If you are using the Airflow configuration settings (e.g. as opposed to operator params) to configure the kubernetes client, then prior to the next major release you will need to add an Airflow connection and set your KPO tasks to use that connection.
Use KubernetesHook to create api client in KubernetesPodOperator (#20578)
[FEATURE] KPO use K8S hook (#22086)
Add param docs to KubernetesHook and KubernetesPodOperator (#23955) (#24054)
Bug Fixes¶
Use "remote" pod when patching KPO pod as "checked" (#23676)
Don't use the root logger in KPO _suppress function (#23835)
Fix await_container_completion condition (#23883)
Migrate Cncf.Kubernetes example DAGs to new design #22441 (#24132)
Clean up f-strings in logging calls (#23597)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix: Exception when parsing log #20966 (#23301)
Fixed Kubernetes Operator large xcom content Defect (#23490)
Clarify 'reattach_on_restart' behavior (#23377)
Bug Fixes¶
Add k8s container's error message in airflow exception (#22871)
KubernetesHook should try incluster first when not otherwise configured (#23126)
KubernetesPodOperator should patch "already checked" always (#22734)
Delete old Spark Application in SparkKubernetesOperator (#21092)
Cleanup dup code now that k8s provider requires 2.3.0+ (#22845)
Fix ''KubernetesPodOperator'' with 'KubernetesExecutor'' on 2.3.0 (#23371)
Fix KPO to have hyphen instead of period (#22982)
Fix new MyPy errors in main (#22884)
Breaking changes¶
The provider in version 4.0.0 only works with Airflow 2.3+. Please upgrade Airflow to 2.3 version if you want to use the features or fixes in 4.* line of the provider.
The main reason for the incompatibility is using latest Kubernetes Libraries.
The cncf.kubernetes
provider requires newer version of libraries than
Airflow 2.1 and 2.2 used for Kubernetes Executor and that makes the provider
incompatible with those Airflow versions.
Log traceback only on ''DEBUG'' for KPO logs read interruption (#22595)
Update our approach for executor-bound dependencies (#22573)
Optionally not follow logs in KPO pod_manager (#22412)
Bug Fixes¶
Stop crashing when empty logs are received from kubernetes client (#22566)
3.1.2 (YANKED)¶
This release has been yanked with a reason: Installing on Airflow 2.1, 2.2 allows to install unsupported kubernetes library > 11.0.0
Bug Fixes¶
Fix mistakenly added install_requires for all providers (#22382)
Fix "run_id" k8s and elasticsearch compatibility with Airflow 2.1 (#22385)
Remove RefreshConfiguration workaround for K8s token refreshing (#20759)
3.1.1 (YANKED)¶
This release has been yanked with a reason: Installing on Airflow 2.1, 2.2 allows to install unsupported kubernetes library > 11.0.0
Add Trove classifiers in PyPI (Framework :: Apache Airflow :: Provider)
3.1.0 (YANKED)¶
This release has been yanked with a reason: Installing on Airflow 2.1, 2.2 allows to install unsupported kubernetes library > 11.0.0
Add map_index label to mapped KubernetesPodOperator (#21916)
Change KubernetesPodOperator labels from execution_date to run_id (#21960)
Support for Python 3.10
Fix Kubernetes example with wrong operator casing (#21898)
Remove types from KPO docstring (#21826)
3.0.2 (YANKED)¶
This release has been yanked with a reason: Installing on Airflow 2.1, 2.2 allows to install unsupported kubernetes library > 11.0.0
Bug Fixes¶
Add missed deprecations for cncf (#20031)
3.0.1 (YANKED)¶
This release has been yanked with a reason: Installing on Airflow 2.1, 2.2 allows to install unsupported kubernetes library > 11.0.0
Update Kubernetes library version (#18797)
Breaking changes¶
Parameter is_delete_operator_pod default is changed to True (#20575)
Simplify KubernetesPodOperator (#19572)
Move pod_mutation_hook call from PodManager to KubernetesPodOperator (#20596)
Rename ''PodLauncher'' to ''PodManager'' (#20576)
Parameter is_delete_operator_pod has new default¶
Previously, the default for param is_delete_operator_pod
was False
, which means that
after a task runs, its pod is not deleted by the operator and remains on the
cluster indefinitely. With this release, we change the default to True
Notes on changes KubernetesPodOperator and PodLauncher¶
Many methods in KubernetesPodOperator
and PodLauncher
have been renamed.
If you have subclassed KubernetesPodOperator
you will need to update your subclass to reflect
the new structure. Additionally PodStatus
enum has been renamed to PodPhase
Generally speaking if you did not subclass KubernetesPodOperator
and you did not use the PodLauncher
class directly,
then you don’t need to worry about this change. If however you have subclassed KubernetesPodOperator
, what
follows are some notes on the changes in this release.
One of the principal goals of the refactor is to clearly separate the “get or create pod” and
“wait for pod completion” phases. Previously the “wait for pod completion” logic would be invoked
differently depending on whether the operator were to “attach to an existing pod” (e.g. after a
worker failure) or “create a new pod” and this resulted in some code duplication and a bit more
nesting of logic. With this refactor we encapsulate the “get or create” step
into method KubernetesPodOperator.get_or_create_pod
, and pull the monitoring and XCom logic up
into the top level of execute
because it can be the same for “attached” pods and “new” pods.
The KubernetesPodOperator.get_or_create_pod
tries first to find an existing pod using labels
specific to the task instance (see KubernetesPodOperator.find_pod
If one does not exist it creates a pod <~.PodManager.create_pod>
The “waiting” part of execution has three components. The first step is to wait for the pod to leave the
phase (~.KubernetesPodOperator.await_pod_start
). Next, if configured to do so,
the operator will follow the base container logs and forward these logs to the task logger until
the base
container is done. If not configured to harvest the
logs, the operator will instead KubernetesPodOperator.await_container_completion
either way, we must await container completion before harvesting xcom. After (optionally) extracting the xcom
value from the base container, we await pod completion <~.PodManager.await_pod_completion>
Previously, depending on whether the pod was “reattached to” (e.g. after a worker failure) or
created anew, the waiting logic may have occurred in either handle_pod_overlap
or create_new_pod_for_operator
After the pod terminates, we execute different cleanup tasks depending on whether the pod terminated successfully.
If the pod terminates unsuccessfully, we attempt to log the pod events PodLauncher.read_pod_events>
. If
additionally the task is configured not to delete the pod after termination, we apply a label KubernetesPodOperator.patch_already_checked>
indicating that the pod failed and should not be “reattached to” in a retry. If the task is configured
to delete its pod, we delete it KubernetesPodOperator.process_pod_deletion>
. Finally,
we raise an AirflowException to fail the task instance.
If the pod terminates successfully, we delete the pod KubernetesPodOperator.process_pod_deletion>
(if configured to delete the pod) and push XCom (if configured to push XCom).
Details on method renames, refactors, and deletions¶
In KubernetesPodOperator
is converted to cached propertypod_manager
Construction of k8s
client is now encapsulated within cached propertyclient
Logic to search for an existing pod (e.g. after an airflow worker failure) is moved out of
and into methodfind_pod
is removed. Previously it monitored a “found” pod until completion. With this change the pod monitoring (and log following) is orchestrated directly fromexecute
and it is the same whether it’s a “found” pod or a “new” pod. See methodsawait_pod_start
is renamedbuild_pod_request_obj
. It now takes argumentcontext
in order to add TI-specific pod labels; previously they were added after return.Method
is renamed_get_ti_pod_labels
. This method doesn’t return all labels, but only those specific to the TI. We also add parameterinclude_try_number
to control the inclusion of this label instead of possibly filtering it out later.Method
is renamed_build_find_pod_label_selector
is removed.Method
is removed. Previously it would mutate the labels onself.pod
, launch the pod, monitor the pod to completion etc. Now this logic is in part handled byget_or_create_pod
, where a new pod will be created if necessary. The monitoring etc is now orchestrated directly fromexecute
. Again, see the calls to methodsawait_pod_start
In class PodManager
(formerly PodLauncher
is removed and split into two methods:create_pod
is removed and split into methodsfollow_container_logs
, and_task_status
are removed. These were needed due to the way in which podphase
was mapped to task instance states; but we no longer do such a mapping and instead deal with pod phases directly and untransformed.Method
is renamedextract_xcom
now takes kwargcontainer_name
Other changes in pod_manager.py
(formerly pod_launcher.py
renamed topod_manager.PodManager
Enum-like class
is renamedPodPhase
, and the values are no longer lower-cased.The
is no longer called incncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager.PodManager.run_pod_async
. ForKubernetesPodOperator
, mutation now occurs inbuild_pod_request_obj
default is changed toTrue
so that pods are deleted after task completion and not left to accumulate. In practice it seems more common to disable pod deletion only on a temporary basis for debugging purposes and therefore pod deletion is the more sensible default.
Add params config, in_cluster, and cluster_context to KubernetesHook (#19695)
Implement dry_run for KubernetesPodOperator (#20573)
Clarify docstring for ''build_pod_request_obj'' in K8s providers (#20574)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix Volume/VolumeMount KPO DeprecationWarning (#19726)
Added namespace as a template field in the KPO. (#19718)
Decouple name randomization from name kwarg (#19398)
Bug Fixes¶
Checking event.status.container_statuses before filtering (#19713)
Coalesce 'extra' params to None in KubernetesHook (#19694)
Change to correct type in KubernetesPodOperator (#19459)
Add more type hints to PodLauncher (#18928)
Add more information to PodLauncher timeout error (#17953)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix KubernetesPodOperator reattach when not deleting pods (#18070)
Make Kubernetes job description fit on one log line (#18377)
Do not fail KubernetesPodOperator tasks if log reading fails (#17649)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix using XCom with ''KubernetesPodOperator'' (#17760)
Import Hooks lazily individually in providers manager (#17682)
Enable using custom pod launcher in Kubernetes Pod Operator (#16945)
Bug Fixes¶
BugFix: Using 'json' string in template_field causes issue with K8s Operators (#16930)
Breaking changes¶
Auto-apply apply_default decorator (#15667)
Due to apply_default decorator removal, this version of the provider requires Airflow 2.1.0+.
If your Airflow version is < 2.1.0, and you want to install this provider version, first upgrade
Airflow to at least version 2.1.0. Otherwise your Airflow package version will be upgraded
automatically and you will have to manually run airflow upgrade db
to complete the migration.
Add 'KubernetesPodOperator' 'pod-template-file' jinja template support (#15942)
Save pod name to xcom for KubernetesPodOperator (#15755)
Bug Fixes¶
Bug Fix Pod-Template Affinity Ignored due to empty Affinity K8S Object (#15787)
Bug Pod Template File Values Ignored (#16095)
Fix issue with parsing error logs in the KPO (#15638)
Fix unsuccessful KubernetesPodOperator final_state call when 'is_delete_operator_pod=True' (#15490)
Require 'name' with KubernetesPodOperator (#15373)
Change KPO node_selectors warning to proper deprecationwarning (#15507)
Bug Fixes¶
Fix timeout when using XCom with KubernetesPodOperator (#15388)
Fix labels on the pod created by ''KubernetesPodOperator'' (#15492)
Separate Kubernetes pod_launcher from core airflow (#15165)
Add ability to specify api group and version for Spark operators (#14898)
Use libyaml C library when available. (#14577)
Bug fixes¶
Allow pod name override in KubernetesPodOperator if pod_template is used. (#14186)
Allow users of the KPO to *actually* template environment variables (#14083)
Updated documentation and readme files.
Bug fixes¶
Pass image_pull_policy in KubernetesPodOperator correctly (#13289)
Initial version of the provider.