Source code for airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.triggers.pod

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import datetime
import warnings
from asyncio import CancelledError
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, AsyncIterator

from airflow.exceptions import AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.hooks.kubernetes import AsyncKubernetesHook
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.pod_manager import OnFinishAction, PodPhase
from airflow.triggers.base import BaseTrigger, TriggerEvent

    from kubernetes_asyncio.client.models import V1Pod

[docs]class ContainerState(str, Enum): """ Possible container states. See """
[docs] WAITING = "waiting"
[docs] RUNNING = "running"
[docs] TERMINATED = "terminated"
[docs] FAILED = "failed"
[docs] UNDEFINED = "undefined"
[docs]class KubernetesPodTrigger(BaseTrigger): """ KubernetesPodTrigger run on the trigger worker to check the state of Pod. :param pod_name: The name of the pod. :param pod_namespace: The namespace of the pod. :param kubernetes_conn_id: The :ref:`kubernetes connection id <howto/connection:kubernetes>` for the Kubernetes cluster. :param cluster_context: Context that points to kubernetes cluster. :param config_file: Path to kubeconfig file. :param poll_interval: Polling period in seconds to check for the status. :param trigger_start_time: time in Datetime format when the trigger was started :param in_cluster: run kubernetes client with in_cluster configuration. :param get_logs: get the stdout of the container as logs of the tasks. :param startup_timeout: timeout in seconds to start up the pod. :param on_finish_action: What to do when the pod reaches its final state, or the execution is interrupted. If "delete_pod", the pod will be deleted regardless its state; if "delete_succeeded_pod", only succeeded pod will be deleted. You can set to "keep_pod" to keep the pod. :param should_delete_pod: What to do when the pod reaches its final state, or the execution is interrupted. If True (default), delete the pod; if False, leave the pod. Deprecated - use `on_finish_action` instead. """ def __init__( self, pod_name: str, pod_namespace: str, trigger_start_time: datetime.datetime, base_container_name: str, kubernetes_conn_id: str | None = None, poll_interval: float = 2, cluster_context: str | None = None, config_file: str | None = None, in_cluster: bool | None = None, get_logs: bool = True, startup_timeout: int = 120, on_finish_action: str = "delete_pod", should_delete_pod: bool | None = None, ): super().__init__() self.pod_name = pod_name self.pod_namespace = pod_namespace self.trigger_start_time = trigger_start_time self.base_container_name = base_container_name self.kubernetes_conn_id = kubernetes_conn_id self.poll_interval = poll_interval self.cluster_context = cluster_context self.config_file = config_file self.in_cluster = in_cluster self.get_logs = get_logs self.startup_timeout = startup_timeout if should_delete_pod is not None: warnings.warn( "`should_delete_pod` parameter is deprecated, please use `on_finish_action`", category=AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.on_finish_action = ( OnFinishAction.DELETE_POD if should_delete_pod else OnFinishAction.KEEP_POD ) self.should_delete_pod = should_delete_pod else: self.on_finish_action = OnFinishAction(on_finish_action) self.should_delete_pod = self.on_finish_action == OnFinishAction.DELETE_POD self._hook: AsyncKubernetesHook | None = None self._since_time = None
[docs] def serialize(self) -> tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Serialize KubernetesCreatePodTrigger arguments and classpath.""" return ( "airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.triggers.pod.KubernetesPodTrigger", { "pod_name": self.pod_name, "pod_namespace": self.pod_namespace, "base_container_name": self.base_container_name, "kubernetes_conn_id": self.kubernetes_conn_id, "poll_interval": self.poll_interval, "cluster_context": self.cluster_context, "config_file": self.config_file, "in_cluster": self.in_cluster, "get_logs": self.get_logs, "startup_timeout": self.startup_timeout, "trigger_start_time": self.trigger_start_time, "should_delete_pod": self.should_delete_pod, "on_finish_action": self.on_finish_action.value, }, )
[docs] async def run(self) -> AsyncIterator[TriggerEvent]: # type: ignore[override] """Get current pod status and yield a TriggerEvent.""" hook = self._get_async_hook()"Checking pod %r in namespace %r.", self.pod_name, self.pod_namespace) try: while True: pod = await hook.get_pod( name=self.pod_name, namespace=self.pod_namespace, ) pod_status = pod.status.phase self.log.debug("Pod %s status: %s", self.pod_name, pod_status) container_state = self.define_container_state(pod) self.log.debug("Container %s status: %s", self.base_container_name, container_state) if container_state == ContainerState.TERMINATED: yield TriggerEvent( { "name": self.pod_name, "namespace": self.pod_namespace, "status": "success", "message": "All containers inside pod have started successfully.", } ) return elif self.should_wait(pod_phase=pod_status, container_state=container_state):"Container is not completed and still working.") if pod_status == PodPhase.PENDING and container_state != ContainerState.RUNNING: delta = - self.trigger_start_time if delta.total_seconds() >= self.startup_timeout: message = ( f"Pod took longer than {self.startup_timeout} seconds to start. " "Check the pod events in kubernetes to determine why." ) yield TriggerEvent( { "name": self.pod_name, "namespace": self.pod_namespace, "status": "timeout", "message": message, } ) return"Sleeping for %s seconds.", self.poll_interval) await asyncio.sleep(self.poll_interval) else: yield TriggerEvent( { "name": self.pod_name, "namespace": self.pod_namespace, "status": "failed", "message": pod.status.message, } ) return except CancelledError: # That means that task was marked as failed if self.get_logs:"Outputting container logs...") await self._get_async_hook().read_logs( name=self.pod_name, namespace=self.pod_namespace, ) if self.on_finish_action == OnFinishAction.DELETE_POD:"Deleting pod...") await self._get_async_hook().delete_pod( name=self.pod_name, namespace=self.pod_namespace, ) yield TriggerEvent( { "name": self.pod_name, "namespace": self.pod_namespace, "status": "cancelled", "message": "Pod execution was cancelled", } ) except Exception as e: self.log.exception("Exception occurred while checking pod phase:") yield TriggerEvent( { "name": self.pod_name, "namespace": self.pod_namespace, "status": "error", "message": str(e), } )
def _get_async_hook(self) -> AsyncKubernetesHook: if self._hook is None: self._hook = AsyncKubernetesHook( conn_id=self.kubernetes_conn_id, in_cluster=self.in_cluster, config_file=self.config_file, cluster_context=self.cluster_context, ) return self._hook
[docs] def define_container_state(self, pod: V1Pod) -> ContainerState: pod_containers = pod.status.container_statuses if pod_containers is None: return ContainerState.UNDEFINED container = next(c for c in pod_containers if == self.base_container_name) for state in (ContainerState.RUNNING, ContainerState.WAITING, ContainerState.TERMINATED): state_obj = getattr(container.state, state) if state_obj is not None: if state != ContainerState.TERMINATED: return state else: return ContainerState.TERMINATED if state_obj.exit_code == 0 else ContainerState.FAILED return ContainerState.UNDEFINED
[docs] def should_wait(pod_phase: PodPhase, container_state: ContainerState) -> bool: return ( container_state == ContainerState.WAITING or container_state == ContainerState.RUNNING or (container_state == ContainerState.UNDEFINED and pod_phase == PodPhase.PENDING) )

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