Source code for airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.kube_client

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"""Client for kubernetes communication."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging

import urllib3.util

from airflow.configuration import conf

[docs]log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
try: from kubernetes import client, config from kubernetes.client import Configuration from import ApiException
[docs] has_kubernetes = True
def _get_default_configuration() -> Configuration: if hasattr(Configuration, "get_default_copy"): return Configuration.get_default_copy() return Configuration() def _disable_verify_ssl() -> None: configuration = _get_default_configuration() configuration.verify_ssl = False Configuration.set_default(configuration) except ImportError as e: # We need an exception class to be able to use it in ``except`` elsewhere # in the code base ApiException = BaseException has_kubernetes = False _import_err = e def _enable_tcp_keepalive() -> None: """ This function enables TCP keepalive mechanism. This prevents urllib3 connection to hang indefinitely when idle connection is time-outed on services like cloud load balancers or firewalls. See for detailed explanation. Please ping @michalmisiewicz or @dimberman in the PR if you want to modify this function. """ import socket from urllib3.connection import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection tcp_keep_idle = conf.getint("kubernetes_executor", "tcp_keep_idle") tcp_keep_intvl = conf.getint("kubernetes_executor", "tcp_keep_intvl") tcp_keep_cnt = conf.getint("kubernetes_executor", "tcp_keep_cnt") socket_options = [(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)] if hasattr(socket, "TCP_KEEPIDLE"): socket_options.append((socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, tcp_keep_idle)) else: log.debug("Unable to set TCP_KEEPIDLE on this platform") if hasattr(socket, "TCP_KEEPINTVL"): socket_options.append((socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL, tcp_keep_intvl)) else: log.debug("Unable to set TCP_KEEPINTVL on this platform") if hasattr(socket, "TCP_KEEPCNT"): socket_options.append((socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, tcp_keep_cnt)) else: log.debug("Unable to set TCP_KEEPCNT on this platform") HTTPSConnection.default_socket_options = HTTPSConnection.default_socket_options + socket_options HTTPConnection.default_socket_options = HTTPConnection.default_socket_options + socket_options
[docs]def get_kube_client( in_cluster: bool | None = None, cluster_context: str | None = None, config_file: str | None = None, ) -> client.CoreV1Api: """ Retrieves Kubernetes client. :param in_cluster: whether we are in cluster :param cluster_context: context of the cluster :param config_file: configuration file :return: kubernetes client """ if in_cluster is None: in_cluster = conf.getboolean("kubernetes_executor", "in_cluster") if not has_kubernetes: raise _import_err if conf.getboolean("kubernetes_executor", "enable_tcp_keepalive"): _enable_tcp_keepalive() configuration = _get_default_configuration() api_client_retry_configuration = conf.getjson( "kubernetes_executor", "api_client_retry_configuration", fallback={} ) if not conf.getboolean("kubernetes_executor", "verify_ssl"): _disable_verify_ssl() if isinstance(api_client_retry_configuration, dict): configuration.retries = urllib3.util.Retry(**api_client_retry_configuration) else: raise ValueError("api_client_retry_configuration should be a dictionary") if in_cluster: config.load_incluster_config(client_configuration=configuration) else: if cluster_context is None: cluster_context = conf.get("kubernetes_executor", "cluster_context", fallback=None) if config_file is None: config_file = conf.get("kubernetes_executor", "config_file", fallback=None) config.load_kube_config( config_file=config_file, context=cluster_context, client_configuration=configuration ) if not conf.getboolean("kubernetes_executor", "verify_ssl"): configuration.verify_ssl = False ssl_ca_cert = conf.get("kubernetes_executor", "ssl_ca_cert") if ssl_ca_cert: configuration.ssl_ca_cert = ssl_ca_cert api_client = client.ApiClient(configuration=configuration) return client.CoreV1Api(api_client)

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