Source code for airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.delete_from

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# from

from __future__ import annotations

import re

from kubernetes import client
from kubernetes.client import ApiClient

[docs]DEFAULT_DELETION_BODY = client.V1DeleteOptions( propagation_policy="Background", grace_period_seconds=5, )
[docs]def delete_from_dict(k8s_client, data, body, namespace, verbose=False, **kwargs): api_exceptions = [] if "List" in data["kind"]: kind = data["kind"].replace("List", "") for yml_doc in data["items"]: if kind != "": yml_doc["apiVersion"] = data["apiVersion"] yml_doc["kind"] = kind try: _delete_from_yaml_single_item( k8s_client=k8s_client, yml_document=yml_doc, verbose=verbose, namespace=namespace, body=body, **kwargs, ) except as api_exception: api_exceptions.append(api_exception) else: try: _delete_from_yaml_single_item( k8s_client=k8s_client, yml_document=data, verbose=verbose, namespace=namespace, body=body, **kwargs, ) except as api_exception: api_exceptions.append(api_exception) if api_exceptions: raise FailToDeleteError(api_exceptions)
[docs]def delete_from_yaml( *, k8s_client: ApiClient, yaml_objects=None, verbose: bool = False, namespace: str = "default", body: dict | None = None, **kwargs, ): for yml_document in yaml_objects: if yml_document is None: continue else: delete_from_dict( k8s_client=k8s_client, data=yml_document, body=body, namespace=namespace, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, )
def _delete_from_yaml_single_item( *, k8s_client: ApiClient, yml_document: dict, verbose: bool = False, namespace: str = "default", body: dict | None = None, **kwargs, ): if body is None: body = DEFAULT_DELETION_BODY # get group and version from apiVersion group, _, version = yml_document["apiVersion"].partition("/") if version == "": version = group group = "core" # Take care for the case e.g. api_type is "" # Only replace the last instance group = "".join(group.rsplit("", 1)) # convert group name from DNS subdomain format to # python class name convention group = "".join(word.capitalize() for word in group.split(".")) fcn_to_call = f"{group}{version.capitalize()}Api" k8s_api = getattr(client, fcn_to_call)(k8s_client) # Replace CamelCased action_type into snake_case kind = yml_document["kind"] kind = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", kind) kind = re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", kind).lower() # Decide which namespace we are going to use for deleting the object # IMPORTANT: the docs namespace takes precedence over the namespace in args # create_from_yaml_single_item have same behaviour if "namespace" in yml_document["metadata"]: namespace = yml_document["metadata"]["namespace"] name = yml_document["metadata"]["name"] # Expect the user to delete namespaced objects more often resp: client.V1Status if hasattr(k8s_api, f"delete_namespaced_{kind}"): resp = getattr(k8s_api, f"delete_namespaced_{kind}")( name=name, namespace=namespace, body=body, **kwargs ) else: resp = getattr(k8s_api, f"delete_{kind}")(name=name, body=body, **kwargs) if verbose: print(f"{kind} deleted. status='{str(resp.status)}'") return resp
[docs]class FailToDeleteError(Exception): """ An exception class for handling error if an error occurred when handling a yaml file during deletion of the resource. """ def __init__(self, api_exceptions: list): self.api_exceptions = api_exceptions
[docs] def __str__(self): msg = "" for api_exception in self.api_exceptions: msg += f"Error from server ({api_exception.reason}):{api_exception.body}\n" return msg

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