Source code for airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.backcompat.backwards_compat_converters
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"""Executes task in a Kubernetes POD"""
from typing import List
from kubernetes.client import ApiClient, models as k8s
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.backcompat.pod import Port, Resources
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.backcompat.pod_runtime_info_env import PodRuntimeInfoEnv
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.backcompat.volume import Volume
from airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.backcompat.volume_mount import VolumeMount
def _convert_kube_model_object(obj, old_class, new_class):
convert_op = getattr(obj, "to_k8s_client_obj", None)
if callable(convert_op):
return obj.to_k8s_client_obj()
elif isinstance(obj, new_class):
return obj
raise AirflowException(f"Expected {old_class} or {new_class}, got {type(obj)}")
def _convert_from_dict(obj, new_class):
if isinstance(obj, new_class):
return obj
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
api_client = ApiClient()
return api_client._ApiClient__deserialize_model(obj, new_class)
raise AirflowException(f"Expected dict or {new_class}, got {type(obj)}")
[docs]def convert_volume(volume) -> k8s.V1Volume:
Converts an airflow Volume object into a k8s.V1Volume
:param volume:
:return: k8s.V1Volume
return _convert_kube_model_object(volume, Volume, k8s.V1Volume)
[docs]def convert_volume_mount(volume_mount) -> k8s.V1VolumeMount:
Converts an airflow VolumeMount object into a k8s.V1VolumeMount
:param volume_mount:
:return: k8s.V1VolumeMount
return _convert_kube_model_object(volume_mount, VolumeMount, k8s.V1VolumeMount)
[docs]def convert_resources(resources) -> k8s.V1ResourceRequirements:
Converts an airflow Resources object into a k8s.V1ResourceRequirements
:param resources:
:return: k8s.V1ResourceRequirements
if isinstance(resources, dict):
resources = Resources(**resources)
return _convert_kube_model_object(resources, Resources, k8s.V1ResourceRequirements)
[docs]def convert_port(port) -> k8s.V1ContainerPort:
Converts an airflow Port object into a k8s.V1ContainerPort
:param port:
:return: k8s.V1ContainerPort
return _convert_kube_model_object(port, Port, k8s.V1ContainerPort)
[docs]def convert_env_vars(env_vars) -> List[k8s.V1EnvVar]:
Converts a dictionary into a list of env_vars
:param env_vars:
if isinstance(env_vars, dict):
res = []
for k, v in env_vars.items():
res.append(k8s.V1EnvVar(name=k, value=v))
return res
elif isinstance(env_vars, list):
return env_vars
raise AirflowException(f"Expected dict or list, got {type(env_vars)}")
[docs]def convert_pod_runtime_info_env(pod_runtime_info_envs) -> k8s.V1EnvVar:
Converts a PodRuntimeInfoEnv into an k8s.V1EnvVar
:param pod_runtime_info_envs:
return _convert_kube_model_object(pod_runtime_info_envs, PodRuntimeInfoEnv, k8s.V1EnvVar)
[docs]def convert_image_pull_secrets(image_pull_secrets) -> List[k8s.V1LocalObjectReference]:
Converts a PodRuntimeInfoEnv into an k8s.V1EnvVar
:param image_pull_secrets:
if isinstance(image_pull_secrets, str):
secrets = image_pull_secrets.split(",")
return [k8s.V1LocalObjectReference(name=secret) for secret in secrets]
return image_pull_secrets
[docs]def convert_configmap(configmaps) -> k8s.V1EnvFromSource:
Converts a str into an k8s.V1EnvFromSource
:param configmaps:
return k8s.V1EnvFromSource(config_map_ref=k8s.V1ConfigMapEnvSource(name=configmaps))
[docs]def convert_affinity(affinity) -> k8s.V1Affinity:
"""Converts a dict into an k8s.V1Affinity"""
return _convert_from_dict(affinity, k8s.V1Affinity)
[docs]def convert_toleration(toleration) -> k8s.V1Toleration:
"""Converts a dict into an k8s.V1Toleration"""
return _convert_from_dict(toleration, k8s.V1Toleration)