¶This is a provider package for cncf.kubernetes
provider. All classes for this provider package
are in airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes
python package.
You can install this package on top of an existing airflow 2.* installation via
pip install apache-airflow-providers-cncf-kubernetes
Require 'name' with KubernetesPodOperator (#15373)
Change KPO node_selectors warning to proper deprecationwarning (#15507)
Fix timeout when using XCom with KubernetesPodOperator (#15388)
Fix labels on the pod created by ''KubernetsPodOperator'' (#15492)
Separate Kubernetes pod_launcher from core airflow (#15165)
Add ability to specify api group and version for Spark operators (#14898)
Use libyaml C library when available. (#14577)
Allow pod name override in KubernetesPodOperator if pod_template is used. (#14186)
Allow users of the KPO to *actually* template environment variables (#14083)
Updated documentation and readme files.
Pass image_pull_policy in KubernetesPodOperator correctly (#13289)
Initial version of the provider.