Kubernetes cluster Connection

The Kubernetes cluster Connection type enables connection to a Kubernetes cluster by SparkKubernetesOperator tasks. They are not used by KubernetesPodOperator tasks.

Authenticating to Kubernetes cluster

There are three ways to connect to Kubernetes using Airflow.

  1. Use kube_config that reside in the default location on the machine(~/.kube/config) - just leave all fields empty

  2. Use in_cluster config, if Airflow runs inside Kubernetes cluster take the configuration from the cluster - mark:

    In cluster configuration

  3. Use kube_config from different location - insert the path into Kube config path

  4. Use kube_config in JSON format from connection configuration - paste kube_config into

    Kube config (JSON format)

Default Connection IDs

The default connection ID is kubernetes_default .

Configuring the Connection

In cluster configuration

Use in cluster configuration.

Kube config path

Use custom path to kube config.

Kube config (JSON format)

Kube config that used to connect to Kubernetes client.


Default kubernetes namespace for the connection.

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