Amazon Athena Connection

The Athena connection type enables DB API 2.0 integrations with Athena.


This connection type is meant to be used with AthenaSqlHook. For AthenaHook use the Amazon Web Services Connection Type instead.

Authenticating to Amazon Athena

Authentication may be performed using any of the authentication methods supported by Amazon Web Services Connection.

Default Connection IDs

The default connection ID is athena_default.

Configuring the Connection

Schema (optional)

Specify the Amazon Athena database name.


Specify the extra parameters (as json dictionary) that can be used in Amazon Athena connection.

  • region_name: AWS Region for the connection (mandatory).

  • work_group: Athena work group to use (optional).

  • s3_staging_dir: Athena S3 staging directory (optional).


You must define either work_group or s3_staging_dir in extra field.

You can pass additional parameters to PyAthena by specifying them in the extra field of your connection as JSON. For example, to specify please see the documentation for PyAthena supported parameters.

Since this connection type uses authentication methods from the Amazon Web Services Connection documentation, please refer to that for additional information about configuring the connection.

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