With more than 5,250 responses from 116 countries, this is the largest data engineering survey to date. Conducted annually, it offers valuable insights into Airflow usage and helps guide our future efforts.
Apache Airflow 2.10.0 is a game-changer, with powerful Dataset improvements and the groundbreaking Hybrid Executor, set to redefine your workflow capabilities!
Apache Airflow 2.9.0: Dataset and UI Improvements
Apache Airflow 2.9.0 is here! Lots of exciting new Dataset and UI features/improvements this time around.
Vulnerability in long deprecated OpenID authentication method in Flask AppBuilder
Advising users who still use a long-deprecated OpenID authentication method in Flask AppBuilder to upgrade to Apache Airflow 2.8.2
Introducing Apache Airflow 2.8.0: Enhanced with New Features and Significant Improvements
Airflow 2 has seen rapid adoption, accompanied by continuous community growth. This annual survey helps us understand how people use Airflow and where we can best focus our efforts as we advance.
Introducing Setup and Teardown tasks
An introduction to Setup and Teardown tasks, which are new in Apache Airflow 2.7.0
Apache Airflow 2.5.0: Tick-Tock
We're proud to announce that Apache Airflow 2.5.0 has been released with many quality of life changes.
Apache Airflow 2.4.0: That Data Aware Release
We're proud to announce that Apache Airflow 2.4.0 has been released with many exciting improvements.
2021 saw rapid adoption of Airflow 2, and continued growth of the community. This annual survey helps us understand how people are using Airflow, and where we can best focus our efforts going forward.
What's new in Apache Airflow 2.2.0
We're proud to announce that Apache Airflow 2.2.0 has been released.
We observe steady growth in number of users as well as in an amount of active contributors. So listening and understanding our community is of high importance.
Implementing Stable API for Apache Airflow
An Outreachy intern's progress report on contributing to Apache Airflow REST API.
Apache Airflow 1.10.8 & 1.10.9
We are happy to present the new 1.10.8 and 1.10.9 releases of Apache Airflow.
Receiving and adjusting to our users’ feedback is a must. Let’s see who Airflow users are, how they play with it, and what they miss.
ApacheCon Europe 2019 — Thoughts and Insights by Airflow Committers
Here come some thoughts by Airflow committers and contributors from the ApacheCon Europe 2019. Get to know the ASF community!
Documenting using local development environment
The story behind documenting local development environment of Apache Airflow
It's a "Breeze" to develop Apache Airflow
A Principal Software Engineer's journey to developer productivity. Learn how Jarek and his team sped up and simplified Airflow development for the community.