:mod:`airflow.hooks.hdfs_hook` ============================== .. py:module:: airflow.hooks.hdfs_hook Module Contents --------------- .. data:: snakebite_loaded :annotation: = True .. py:exception:: HDFSHookException Bases::class:`airflow.exceptions.AirflowException` .. py:class:: HDFSHook(hdfs_conn_id='hdfs_default', proxy_user=None, autoconfig=False) Bases::class:`airflow.hooks.base_hook.BaseHook` Interact with HDFS. This class is a wrapper around the snakebite library. :param hdfs_conn_id: Connection id to fetch connection info :type hdfs_conn_id: str :param proxy_user: effective user for HDFS operations :type proxy_user: str :param autoconfig: use snakebite's automatically configured client :type autoconfig: bool .. method:: get_conn(self) Returns a snakebite HDFSClient object.