
.. py:module:: airflow.executors.celery_executor

Module Contents

   :annotation: = Error fetching Celery task state 


   :annotation: = Error sending Celery task 

   To start the celery worker, run the command:
   airflow worker

.. data:: celery_configuration


.. data:: app


.. function:: execute_command(command_to_exec)


.. py:class:: ExceptionWithTraceback(exception, exception_traceback)



   Wrapper class used to propagate exceptions to parent processes from subprocesses.

   :param exception: The exception to wrap
   :type exception: Exception
   :param exception_traceback: The stacktrace to wrap
   :type exception_traceback: str



.. function:: fetch_celery_task_state(celery_task)

   Fetch and return the state of the given celery task. The scope of this function is
   global so that it can be called by subprocesses in the pool.

   :param celery_task: a tuple of the Celery task key and the async Celery object used
       to fetch the task's state
   :type celery_task: tuple(str, celery.result.AsyncResult)
   :return: a tuple of the Celery task key and the Celery state of the task
   :rtype: tuple[str, str]


.. function:: send_task_to_executor(task_tuple)


.. py:class:: CeleryExecutor



   CeleryExecutor is recommended for production use of Airflow. It allows
   distributing the execution of task instances to multiple worker nodes.

   Celery is a simple, flexible and reliable distributed system to process
   vast amounts of messages, while providing operations with the tools
   required to maintain such a system.




   .. method:: start(self)



   .. method:: _num_tasks_per_send_process(self, to_send_count)

      How many Celery tasks should each worker process send.

      :return: Number of tasks that should be sent per process
      :rtype: int



   .. method:: _num_tasks_per_fetch_process(self)

      How many Celery tasks should be sent to each worker process.

      :return: Number of tasks that should be used per process
      :rtype: int



   .. method:: heartbeat(self)



   .. method:: sync(self)



   .. method:: end(self, synchronous=False)