Module Contents



Interact with Oracle SQL.


class*args, thick_mode=None, thick_mode_lib_dir=None, thick_mode_config_dir=None, fetch_decimals=None, fetch_lobs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: airflow.providers.common.sql.hooks.sql.DbApiHook

Interact with Oracle SQL.

  • oracle_conn_id – The Oracle connection id used for Oracle credentials.

  • thick_mode (bool | None) – Specify whether to use python-oracledb in thick mode. Defaults to False. If set to True, you must have the Oracle Client libraries installed. See oracledb docs<> for more info.

  • thick_mode_lib_dir (str | None) – Path to use to find the Oracle Client libraries when using thick mode. If not specified, defaults to the standard way of locating the Oracle Client library on the OS. See oracledb docs <> for more info.

  • thick_mode_config_dir (str | None) – Path to use to find the Oracle Client library configuration files when using thick mode. If not specified, defaults to the standard way of locating the Oracle Client library configuration files on the OS. See oracledb docs <> for more info.

  • fetch_decimals (bool | None) – Specify whether numbers should be fetched as decimal.Decimal values. See defaults.fetch_decimals <> for more info.

  • fetch_lobs (bool | None) – Specify whether to fetch strings/bytes for CLOBs or BLOBs instead of locators. See defaults.fetch_lobs <> for more info.

conn_name_attr = 'oracle_conn_id'[source]
default_conn_name = 'oracle_default'[source]
conn_type = 'oracle'[source]
hook_name = 'Oracle'[source]
supports_autocommit = True[source]

Get an Oracle connection object.

Optional parameters for using a custom DSN connection (instead of using a server alias from tnsnames.ora) The dsn (data source name) is the TNS entry (from the Oracle names server or tnsnames.ora file), or is a string like the one returned from makedsn().

  • dsn – the data source name for the Oracle server

  • service_name – the db_unique_name of the database that you are connecting to (CONNECT_DATA part of TNS)

  • sid – Oracle System ID that identifies a particular database on a system

You can set these parameters in the extra fields of your connection as in


see more param detail in oracledb.connect

insert_rows(table, rows, target_fields=None, commit_every=1000, replace=False, **kwargs)[source]

Insert a collection of tuples into a table.

All data to insert are treated as one transaction. Changes from standard DbApiHook implementation:

  • Oracle SQL queries can not be terminated with a semicolon (;).

  • Replace NaN values with NULL using numpy.nan_to_num (not using is_nan() because of input types error for strings).

  • Coerce datetime cells to Oracle DATETIME format during insert.

  • table (str) – target Oracle table, use dot notation to target a specific database

  • rows (list[tuple]) – the rows to insert into the table

  • target_fields – the names of the columns to fill in the table

  • commit_every (int) – the maximum number of rows to insert in one transaction Default 1000, Set greater than 0. Set 1 to insert each row in each single transaction

  • replace (bool | None) – Whether to replace instead of insert. Currently not implemented.

bulk_insert_rows(table, rows, target_fields=None, commit_every=5000, sequence_column=None, sequence_name=None)[source]

Perform bulk inserts efficiently for Oracle DB.

This uses prepared statements via executemany(). For best performance, pass in rows as an iterator.

  • table (str) – target Oracle table, use dot notation to target a specific database

  • rows (list[tuple]) – the rows to insert into the table

  • target_fields (list[str] | None) – the names of the columns to fill in the table, default None. If None, each rows should have some order as table columns name

  • commit_every (int) – the maximum number of rows to insert in one transaction Default 5000. Set greater than 0. Set 1 to insert each row in each transaction

  • sequence_column (str | None) – the column name to which the sequence will be applied, default None.

  • sequence_name (str | None) – the names of the sequence_name in the table, default None.

callproc(identifier, autocommit=False, parameters=None)[source]

Call the stored procedure identified by the provided string.

Any OUT parameters must be provided with a value of either the expected Python type (e.g., int) or an instance of that type.

The return value is a list or mapping that includes parameters in both directions; the actual return type depends on the type of the provided parameters argument.

See for further reference.

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