
Module Contents



Trigger a Jenkins Job and monitor its execution.


jenkins_request_with_headers(jenkins_server, req)

Create a Jenkins request from a raw request.




airflow.providers.jenkins.operators.jenkins_job_trigger.jenkins_request_with_headers(jenkins_server, req)[source]

Create a Jenkins request from a raw request.

We need to get the headers in addition to the body answer to get the location from them. This function uses jenkins_request from python-jenkins with just the return call changed.

  • jenkins_server (jenkins.Jenkins) – The server to query

  • req (requests.Request) – The request to execute


Dict containing the response body (key body) and the headers coming along (headers)

Return type

JenkinsRequest | None

class airflow.providers.jenkins.operators.jenkins_job_trigger.JenkinsJobTriggerOperator(*, jenkins_connection_id, job_name, parameters=None, sleep_time=10, max_try_before_job_appears=10, allowed_jenkins_states=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: airflow.models.BaseOperator

Trigger a Jenkins Job and monitor its execution.

This operator depend on the python-jenkins library version >= 0.4.15 to communicate with the Jenkins server. You’ll also need to configure a Jenkins connection in the connections screen.

  • jenkins_connection_id (str) – The jenkins connection to use for this job

  • job_name (str) – The name of the job to trigger

  • parameters (ParamType) – The parameters block provided to jenkins for use in the API call when triggering a build. (templated)

  • sleep_time (int) – How long will the operator sleep between each status request for the job (min 1, default 10)

  • max_try_before_job_appears (int) – The maximum number of requests to make while waiting for the job to appears on jenkins server (default 10)

  • allowed_jenkins_states (Iterable[str] | None) – Iterable of allowed result jenkins states, default is ['SUCCESS']

template_fields: Sequence[str] = ('parameters',)[source]
template_ext: Sequence[str] = ('.json',)[source]
ui_color = '#f9ec86'[source]
build_job(jenkins_server, params=None)[source]

Trigger a build job.

This returns a dict with 2 keys body and headers. headers contains also a dict-like object which can be queried to get the location to poll in the queue.

  • jenkins_server (jenkins.Jenkins) – The jenkins server where the job should be triggered

  • params (ParamType) – The parameters block to provide to jenkins API call.


Dict containing the response body (key body) and the headers coming along (headers)

Return type

JenkinsRequest | None

poll_job_in_queue(location, jenkins_server)[source]

Poll the jenkins queue until the job is executed.

When we trigger a job through an API call, the job is first put in the queue without having a build number assigned. We have to wait until the job exits the queue to know its build number.

To do so, we add /api/json (or /api/xml) to the location returned by the build_job call, and poll this file. When an executable block appears in the response, the job execution would have started, and the field number would contains the build number.

  • location (str) – Location to poll, returned in the header of the build_job call

  • jenkins_server (jenkins.Jenkins) – The jenkins server to poll


The build_number corresponding to the triggered job

Return type



Instantiate the Jenkins hook.


Instantiate the Jenkins hook.


Derive when creating an operator.

Context is the same dictionary used as when rendering jinja templates.

Refer to get_template_context for more context.

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